Chapter 76 - Volume 3 (1/2)
Volume 3 Chapter 4 Part 4
Oi, you two, I know that those are your usual greetings, but don’t you think you’re making the missy there slightly uncomfortable?」
Said Vie-san when he noticed that I was really uncomfortable with the scene that was unveiling right in front of my eyes. He then broke into Klenven and his friend, separating them.
「Geez, just because you’re not popular with women doesn’t mean you get to spoil other people’s fun, Vie! Hey, Klanven, who is this girl?」
The woman called Aisha asked Klanven that while looking at me suspiciously. Then he looked at me with his bright-blue eyes. Strangely enough, what I felt from that woman’s gaze was not jealousy, but rather a sense of worry and anxiety. While I looked at Aisha with my usual polite smile, Klanven finally opened his mouth.
「This is Filmina, my current caretaker. Filmina, this woman here is Aisha. She’s like a little sister to me.」
「Ara, couldn’t you at least make a small lie like “We’re like lovers” or something like that?」
「Even if that was a lie, you really are dear to me like a sister.」
「Sheesh, you are so cold, you know?」
There were roars of laughter coming from all around them, and Aisha finally separated herself from Klanven. She then spoke to me in a friendly manner.
「Have fun, missy. Now, Klan, why don’t you have a drink or two with us?」
「That’s not a bad proposition, not bad at all. I’ve come here today looking for some entertainment, after all.」
「That’s right. Entertainment.」
Laughing at the face Aisha was making right now, Klanven turned towards me.
「Filmina. You said that you wanted to return to the Great Temple right away, is that right?」
Even though I was initially confused by the sudden question, I nodded my head. Why was he asking me that now, of all times? When he was fully aware that I was still adamant on taking him back to the Temple, Klanven’s smile deepened mysteriously.
「If that’s still the case, then why don’t you try to persuade me in a way that is unique to this very establishment?」
「Excuse me?」
Hearing that, the crowd around us began to roar even louder, which made me blink in confusion a few times. Next, I saw that the patrons suddenly got up from their chairs, forming some kind of closed space in the middle of the bar with two chairs facing each other in the middle of it. Then, they put two big mugs on the table right next to the chairs with a loud *THUD* sound. I could also see that Vie-san who was right next to me looked concerned for some reason, turning towards Klanven with a worried expression.
「Oi, Klan, are you serious? To propose this missy something like that……?」
「I see that you are the same as always, Vie. But don’t worry, I will hold back a little bit.」
「Yeah, and besides, it looks interesting, so good luck out there, missy!」
「T, thank you?」
Even though I still didn’t know what was going on, I was pushed by the crow towards the chairs and the table, and together with Klanven we were seated opposite of each other. Klanven then took one of the mugs in his hand. I had a really bad feeling about all this, but even if I wanted to get up and leave, I was being surrounded by the bar’s patrons, and they would surely not let me weasel my way out of this.
「If we are at the bar, then it is a given that we shall settle our disputes via the means of cultural drinking contest, right? If I win, you will have to accompany me on my future outings. If you manage to win, we get back to the Temple right this instant. Is that okay with you?」
I knew that he was a Priest from the Temple, but no matter how you look at it, doesn’t the condition of this match favor Klanven way better than me? Probably realizing that fact now, Klanven smiled brightly and said “Oh yes, that’s right” more to himself than to anyone in particular.
「Now, to make the condition more interesting, let’s see…… If you win, I shall also return that thing to you.」
There was only one thing that Klanven could have been talking about here. It was the bookmark with the pressed flower that I once received from that man, then Klanven took away from me sometime later.
I swallowed my saliva, while Klanven’s smile remained ever the same. He was obviously awaiting my response.
「………… I understand. I shall accept your challenge.」
There was no way around it. And besides, my pride as a woman would not simply allow me to back down from a challenge like that.
As soon as I said that, the crowd exploded in a loud cheer.
「Way to go, missy!」
「Do your best!」
「Let’s place bets on who’s about to win this!」
「We’ve got ourselves a match here!」
「Klan, let’s do this properly!」
The crowd gathered around us, and from their words I could deduce that they were all sure that Klanven was going to win this match without breaking a sweat.
「Right, so, who wants to go first? And as per usual, no hard feelings once the match is over!」
Said the woman that greeted us upon entering, and then she placed a large bottle of ale at the table, again with a loud *THUD* sound.
I wasn’t much of an alcohol drinker, and if I happened to drink one I would usually drink it together with some non-alcoholic beverage to mix the two. I wasn’t sure how I would fare against a veteran drinker such as Klanven, but I was sure to give it my very best.
As we both watch the tavern master pour the ale into the mug, Klanven looked at me with his usual gentle expression.
「What is it?」
「I forgot to mention that, but in this bar there is no better drinker than I am at the current moment.」
Even though I knew that something like that might happen, Klanven was taking pity on me before the match even began.