Part 6 (1/2)
”I'm letting them catch my scent.” Fang's lips barely moved.
What felt like a year later, the hawks seemed to relax a bit. They were huge, with an almost five-foot wingspan, and looked cold and powerful. On top, their wing feathers were mostly brown with russet streaks, and they were streaked with white below. Not unlike Nudge's own wings, except hers were so much bigger, twice as big.
Some hawks went back to feeding their noisy offspring, others left in search of food, still others returned with dinner.
”Eew,” Nudge couldn't help whispering when one hawk brought back a still-wriggling snake. The fledglings were excited to see it and practically climbed over one another trying to get the first bite. ”Double eew.”
Fang turned his head slowly and grinned at her. Nudge was so surprised that she smiled back.
This was was pretty cool. She was itchy to leave, wished Max would show up soon, and she wished they had more food, but all the same, it was pretty awesome to sit here in the sun, surrounded by huge, beautiful birds, her own wings stretched out and resting. She guessed it couldn't hurt to do this for a little bit longer. pretty cool. She was itchy to leave, wished Max would show up soon, and she wished they had more food, but all the same, it was pretty awesome to sit here in the sun, surrounded by huge, beautiful birds, her own wings stretched out and resting. She guessed it couldn't hurt to do this for a little bit longer.
But not that long.
”Angel's waiting waiting for us,” Nudge said a bit later. ”I mean, she's like a little sister, like everyone's little sister.” for us,” Nudge said a bit later. ”I mean, she's like a little sister, like everyone's little sister.”
She brushed some rock dust off her already dusty tan legs and scowled, picking at a scab on her knee. ”At night, when we're supposed to be asleep, me and Angel talk and tell jokes and stuff.” Her large brown eyes met Fang's. ”I mean, am I going to have to sleep in that room alone, whenever we get home? Max has to come back. She wouldn't let Angel go, right?”
”No,” said Fang. ”She won't let Angel go. Look-you see how that big hawk, the one with the dark stripe on its shoulders-you see how he seems to move one wing faster than the other when he banks? It makes his bank really tight and smooth. We should try it.”
Nudge looked at him. That was probably the longest speech she'd ever heard Fang make.
She turned to watch the hawk he'd pointed out. ”Yeah, I see what you mean.” But she'd barely finished before Fang had stood up, run lightly toward the edge of the cliff, and leaped off. His large, powerful dark wings caught the air and swooped him up. Fang flew closer to where the other hawks were circling in a kind of hawk ballet.
Nudge sighed. She really, really wished Max were here. Was Max hurt? Should they go back? She would ask Fang when he returned.
Just then he swept past her, level with their cave. ”Come on!” he called. ”Try it! You'll fly better.”
Nudge sighed again and brushed some chocolate crumbs off her s.h.i.+rt. Wasn't he worried about Angel? If he was, he probably wouldn't show it, she guessed. But she knew Fang loved Angel-he'd read to her before she learned how to read, and even now he still held her when she was upset about something.
Well, I might as well practice too. Better than sitting around doing nothing. She flung herself off the cliff, unable to keep a bittersweet happiness from flooding her chest. It just felt so-beautiful, to float in the air, to move her wings strongly and feel herself glide freely through s.p.a.ce. She flung herself off the cliff, unable to keep a bittersweet happiness from flooding her chest. It just felt so-beautiful, to float in the air, to move her wings strongly and feel herself glide freely through s.p.a.ce.
She flew alongside Fang, and he demonstrated the move for her. She watched him and imitated it. It worked great.
She flew in huge circles, practicing the move and flying closer to the hawks, who seemed to be tolerating her. As long as she didn't think about Max or Angel, she would be okay.
That evening Nudge lay on her stomach, her wings flat out around her, and watched the parent hawks grooming their young. They were so gentle, so attentive. These fierce, strong birds were carefully smoothing their fledglings' mottled white feathers, feeding them, helping them get out of the nest to practice flying.
A lump came to her throat. She sniffled.
”What?” said Fang.
”These birds,” said Nudge, wiping her eyes and feeling stupid. ”Like, these dumb hawks have more of a mom than I ever had. The parents are taking care of the little ones. No one ever did that for me. Well, besides Max. But she's not a mom.”
”Yeah. I get it.” Fang didn't look at her. His voice almost sounded sad.
The sun set, and the hawks settled down in their nests. Finally, the raucous fledglings quieted. When it had been dark for an hour, Fang edged closer to Nudge and held out his left hand in a fist. Nudge looked up at him, then stacked her left fist on top of his. It was something the flock always did together before bedtime.
Except they hadn't done it when they'd fallen asleep in that cabin last night. And now it was just the two of them.
Nudge tapped his fist with her right hand, and he tapped hers.
”Night,” she whispered, feeling as if everything she cared about had been ripped away from her. Silently, she curled up against the wall of the cave.
”Night, Nudge,” whispered Fang.
Oh, man. This was not not the best day I'd ever had. My shoulder was still bleeding a bit, even though I'd been pressing on it for hours. Every time I jostled it, warm blood oozed through my fingers. the best day I'd ever had. My shoulder was still bleeding a bit, even though I'd been pressing on it for hours. Every time I jostled it, warm blood oozed through my fingers.
I hadn't run into the gun-carrying clowns again, but I'd heard them off and on. I'd been working my way north in a big arc, trying to weave a confusing trail for whoever might be following me. Every time I heard them, I froze for endless minutes, trying to blend in with the brush.
Then, cramped and stiffening, I would painstakingly start again. In case they brought dogs, I'd splashed through streams at least four times, and let me tell you, trying to keep your balance on moss-covered rocks in icy water with a hurt shoulder is no picnic.
I'd felt around on my shoulder and wing, and as far as I could tell, the shot had just scooped out a trail of flesh and wing but hadn't actually lodged inside. Whatever-my arm and wing felt useless and they hurt awfully.
It was getting late. Angel was somewhere hours away, being subjected to G.o.d knows what horror, wondering where I was. I pressed my lips together, trying not to cry. I couldn't fly, couldn't catch up to Fang and Nudge, who were probably furious by now. It wasn't like I could call their cell phones or anything.
This situation totally sucked, and it was 100 percent my own stupid fault, which made it suck even worse.
Then, of course, it started pouring rain.
So now I was slogging my way through wet woods, wet brush, red clay mud, wiping water out of my eyes, getting more chilled and more miserable and more hungry and more insanely furious furious at myself. at myself.
I hadn't heard the guys in a long time-they had probably gone home to get out of the rain. get out of the rain.
A minute later I blinked and wiped my eyes. I squinted. There were lights ahead.
If it was a store or shed, I could wait till everyone left and then hole up for the night. Soon I was only ten yards away, hunching down in the darkness, peering through the wet trees. It was a house.
A figure pa.s.sed a window, and my eyebrows raised. It was that girl, Ella. This must be her house.
I bit my lip. She probably lived here with her two doting parents and her 1.6 siblings. How nice for her. Anyway, I was glad she had gotten home safe. Despite everything, if I had let those horrible guys beat her up, I never would have forgiven myself.