Part 4 (1/2)

Gossip Mona Gould 9740K 2022-07-22

Word to the Wise

Little lady never pray A ring of gold to wear Lest you find it in your nose - Much to your despair!


I have never asked for much From this world's anointed: Strange to say from day to day I've not been disappointed!


The lady 'neath the smallest hat Is often very short and fat; While ”slivers”, slick and very tall Wear cartwheels, like a parasol!


I'd like to be a critic But one who didn't write Then, when I gouged their eyes out They couldn't turn and bite!

Island Parting (Muskoka)

How hard it is to say ”good-by” to an Island, Rising tall, with its trees out of clear water Tawny in the shallows.

Here, white birches bare their s.h.i.+ning bones To summer moonlight; And one blue heron lifts himself with terrible beauty Into the evening.

I cannot say why Islands do this to me.

I only know that putting out into the open gap Bound for the Mainland Is like loosing hands with one you love Too much!


It must be nice to be photogenic; To not have to get in to a panic When you ”see the birdie”.

To just sit there . . . smug . . .

While they snap your mug.

And to know you'll look like Garbo . . . or Hedy Lamarr In the finished photo.