Part 24 (1/2)
These thoughts raced through Molly's mind even as she kept the children moving along Main Street under the silently hovering craft. Luminous reflections of the fog-veiled vessel played on the pavement as it tracked them step by step to the tavern.
No guards were posted at the door.
As before, the neon beer-company logos in the windows, now all dark, were backdropped by lowered shades. Nothing of the interior could be seen.
The pact Molly had made with Neil-that henceforth they would go everywhere together, would die side by side if death found them, and would never leave each other to die alone-must be amended.
If the two of them went inside to persuade those in the tavern that one form of death or another was breeding in the bas.e.m.e.nt beneath them, the five children would be left outside alone. Easy pickings.
On the other hand, if they took the children inside, they would be exposing them to perhaps the very horror from which they had saved them in the church-or to something worse, considering that something worse, hour after hour, was the specialty of the enemy.
In this instance and in other situations to come, she and Neil would have to split up. If they didn't have the courage to act alone when necessary, they might as well go directly to the bank right now, with the five kids for whom they had made themselves responsible, and forget about the other children who might need them.
Like Ca.s.sie. In the tavern.
Neil wanted to go inside, but they agreed that whoever stayed with the kids ought to have the shotgun.
Indicating the luminous craft hovering in the shrouding fog, Molly said, ”Shotgun won't bring that down, but the spread pattern of buckshot ought to stop more big bugs and nasty animals than all the rounds in my pistol.”
Neil tried to give her the 12-gauge, but she wouldn't take it. She had never fired a shotgun before. She suspected that the hard recoil would compromise her effectiveness at least until she learned how to compensate for it.
Only a fool or a suicidal depressive would choose to learn the proper handling of a new weapon while in the heat of battle.
Neil would stay in the street, guarding the kids.
Armed with the 9-mm pistol, Molly would go into the tavern, argue the wisdom of evacuation to those inside, and one way or another get Ca.s.sie out of there.
Along Main Street, nothing moved in the moody half-light except the thin violet mist, which eddied lazily in the breathless morning.
The silence of a fly in amber, of a fossil hidden in the heart of a stone, lay upon Black Lake.
Then in the distance a man wept in misery. A weeping woman answered him. And then another.
All three sounded as if they were torn with emotion, convincing, until you realized that the cadences of their grief were identical, one to another.
The morning had grown warmer. Molly took off her raincoat.
The red dragons of the trees might be watching from a distance. Maybe they only hunted in their arbors. Or maybe they came down to kill in the street; it didn't really matter, she supposed, because if not them, something else would.
Fifteen feet overhead, the thick velvet fog was a curtain drawn between dying humanity-which was both the tragic protagonist and the audience-and the last act of Armageddon. Stagehands were moving into place the final scenery of doom.
The luminous craft hovered, attentive. Molly had not grown accustomed to the all-penetrating scrutiny of those aboard it. She felt humbled, curiously ashamed, frightened, and angry.
She nurtured the anger. Like hope, it staved off despair.
Virgil nuzzled her left hand, then returned to his watchful patrol between the children and the dead town.
Molly didn't need to tell Neil that she loved him. He knew. And she knew what she meant to him. They said it as well as it could be said with just a meeting of the eyes, a touch of hands.
With the pistol and a flashlight, she went into the tavern.
FLAMES WORRIED WICKS IN SCORES OF AMBER gla.s.s globes, as before. The walls and ceiling of Russell Tewkes's tavern appeared to tremble like painted curtains in the lambent candlelight.
The air itself seemed luminous, similar to the atmosphere in a dream of angels, and for a moment Molly was relieved to think that those who had been here when she'd left had later left themselves. No one sat in the booths or at the tables. No one stood at the bar, nor was Tewkes stationed behind it.
Derek and the drunks were gone. As were the peace lovers. And the fence-sitters, with Ca.s.sie.
Had she not studied the scene one second longer, had she turned and walked out, she might have thought that the lot of them had gone to the bank, after all, to a.s.sist in preparations for its defense. Lingering, however, she realized that her preferred scenario was not the one that had played out here.
First, the guns. Rifles, shotguns, and handguns had been left behind.
Neither the drunks nor the peace lovers had been armed, but many of the fence-sitters had been prepared to defend themselves if ultimately they made up their minds that self-defense was necessary or desirable. Not all all of them would have gone out into this changed and changing world without weapons. of them would have gone out into this changed and changing world without weapons.
Second, the clothes. Coats and jackets had been left behind on chairs. Then she saw sweaters and s.h.i.+rts draped over some of the coats, and a pair of jeans.
Venturing farther from the front door, deeper into the tavern, she found drifts of discarded clothing on the floor. Slacks, khakis, more jeans, more s.h.i.+rts, blouses, socks, men's and women's underwear. Shoes and boots and belts and rain hats.
Implications of violence: All colors and styles of loose b.u.t.tons littered the floor. Clothes had been torn off in such rage or frenzy that the b.u.t.tons had popped loose. Numerous garments were ripped along the seams.
Yet apparently no guns had been fired.
Silence pooled fathoms deep. She held her breath, listened, but her ears might as well have been stoppled by a mile of ocean.
She kicked gently at some b.u.t.tons. They rattled away from her shoe, across the floor planks, proving that she had not been struck deaf.
Wrist.w.a.tches had been cast away. Sparkling on tables and across the floor were the warmth of gold, the chill of silver: necklaces, lockets, bracelets, rings.
Mystified as to what had happened, Molly could only suppose that the thirty to forty missing people had been forced to strip against their will. Because she had known several of them and because those she'd known had been people of common modesty, she couldn't conceive of any situation in which they would have disrobed willingly.
Yet no guns had been fired.
So...perhaps a shared madness had seized them, resulting from the unwitting intake of a psychosis-inducing toxin.
Certain rarely encountered exotic molds, including one that made its home in corn, could cause visual and auditory hallucinations, and an entire community could be swept up in the resultant ma.s.s hysteria. Some believe this-and not merely religious fanaticism-to be the root cause of the Salem witch trials, for they occurred in the season of the mold.
Molds were a cla.s.s of fungi, and fungi appeared to const.i.tute a more significant phylum of the invading extraterrestrial ecology than they did in Earth's natural order.
Toxins produced by alien fungi might induce delusions, shared hallucinations, and ma.s.s hysteria of a kind and an intensity new to human experience. Temporary psychosis. Enduring madness. Perhaps even homicidal frenzy.
On the tables and on the floor were broken beer bottles. Corona. Heineken. Dos Equis.
Some appeared to have been broken not by accident but with the intent to create weapons. The long neck of a Corona made a serviceable hilt, while the broken body of the bottle provided multiple jagged blades.