Part 32 (1/2)
”Father likes interest,” he observed to Bill, as sitting by hi him in his somewhat unaccustomed task; ”that'll h whether he'll ever get the money is neither here nor there”
”But if you promise to pay him, you are bound to do so,” observed Bill
”You need not have made the promise, then you could have waited to knohether he required interest”
”Well, I've written it, and can't scratch it out now,” said To in the end”
Bill had some doubts whether Tom's father would make the allowance Tom asked for; but if he were a rich ht do so, and therefore he said nothing
The letter, after being folded several tith closed, sealed, and addressed, by which tiot the cook'stold hiood su him a part of the proceeds
Bill and Jack looked forward to the reply with al that they should be at all jealous, should it produce the satisfactory result he anticipated
Meantiet the shi+p ready for sea Mr Saltas very busy superintending all the operations
Bill, however, found that he was not forgotten, from a kind word or thich on several occasions the first lieutenant bestowed upon hi Bill that Mr Saltould not trouble himself more about him--that heenough to be rated as an ordinary sea cook's boy,” cried Jack, who could never stand hearing Bill sneered at ”He's a precious deal more likely to be h your father is a rich e, as you say”
Tom retorted, and Jack looked as if he was much inclined to knock him over, when the quarrel was cut short by the appearance of the cook's alley and scrub the pots and pans
Day after day went by The frigate was reported ready for sea, and her co been filled up, she only waited for her captain to come on board to continue her cruise
Still Tom had received no reply from his father ”Perhaps he or the Admiralty may have written to the captain, and when he comes aboard I shall be placed in my proper position,” he observed in confidence to Bill
”I hope so, but I'et a proper uniform and an outfit,” was the answer
”I'ing me out,” answered Toreatly to his disappointoing out into the Sound, thearrived, and a letter addressed, ”Thoerly broke the seal As he was no great hand at reading writing, he was obliged to ask Bill to assist hi the contents He had, however, to rub his eyes several times before he could make them out, even with his messmate's help
”It's not fro at the paper all over ”S Fletcher ave an:--
”Dear Tom,--Our father received yours of the third instant, as the first inti alive since your unaccountable disappearance
You have caused us by your wicked proceeding no end of grief and trouble, and, as far as we can make out by your wretchedly written epistle, you do not seem to be at all ashamed of yourself, or sorry for what you have done; and our father bids me to say, that as you haveyou an allowance of thirty or forty pounds a year, and getting you placed on the quarter-deck, the notion is too ridiculous to be entertained I must tell you, too, our father has failed, smashed up completely, won't pay sixpence in the pound As we find it a hard matter to live, he is not likely to make you an allowance of thirty pounds, or thirty pence a year, or to trouble hi sent aith a flea in his ear; so you see, Toet killed, I would advise you--should you ever wish to come home--to make your appearance with your pockets full of the prize-money you talk of, and you will then perhaps receive a welco as it lasts by the rest of the family, as also by--
”Your affectionate brother--
”S Fletcher
”PS Until then I would advise you not to show your nose in this neighbourhood”
”He alas an ill-natured felloasconcerned at the news of his father's ruin, while, cru up the letter, he thrust it into his pocket ”I feel inclined to hanganything so bad,” said Bill ”You are no worse off than you were before All you've got to do is to attend to your duty, and try to please those above you”
”The cook and the cook's rowled poor Tom ”It isn't a pleasant task to have to scrub saucepans and clean out the galley”
”But it is your duty, and while you have to do it it would be best to try and do it as well as you can,” observed Bill ”Neither the cook nor the cook's ood-will by showing a pleasant te as hard as you can”