136 Decapitation (1/2)
”Love... ah, yes! My father always said the world would be better without it because, for it or against it, man will always fight.”
These sudden words caught the attention of most, undoubtedly confusing some. Was this supposed to impress Rhino? But this wasn't Will's voice. Within microseconds, Aurora would understand the meaning of these words. Will's silhouette was split in two by a sword, but there was no blood, the visage quickly dissipated into mist.
”Eric are you fucking crazy? Do you not enjoy breathing?”
Rhino brought out two Ranger Shotguns and held them akimbo at the so-called Eric.
A blonde man stood behind where Will was supposed to be. He had unusually long hair. In his hand was a sharp weapon akin to a rapier.
Eric was adorned in white all over. A white suit that had medals, similar to what one might assume Napoleon wore. Eric was indeed dashing but in quite a feminine way. Were it not for his height and broad shoulders, one could have thought him a woman. Just looking at him gave Rhino the chills. She hated girly men the most. Alas, Eric thought otherwise.
”There is no need to associate with such trash, lady Rhino is already betrothed to me, as is part of the regulations of our alliance!”
Rhino was a strange one, and logic dictated that only stranger people would worship her over Aurora, and Eric was one such man. Suffice to say, he was a well-known booty man. How did people know? Well, the answer was simple: whenever Eric spoke to her, he would ignore her face completely and adjust himself to see her ass. It was blatant disrespect and perversion, but they had no choice but to deal with due to Eric's unique identity.
”Rhino! Stand down. Do you really think that could take him down?”
'Right! It's him!'
”Yeah Rhino, shouldn't you have a little faith in me?” Will's voice rang out. Everyone was stunned. Rhino was shocked to the point that she dropped her guns…
And Rhino never drops her guns.
This time, the reason was simple, yet shocking. Will was leaning on Eric, Sasuke-style. You know, like when he met Naruto for the first time in shippu-
Ahem, anyway, everyone was like 'Oh shit. It's about to go down', or something...
Rhino never detected a thing. Will appeared in front of everyone as if he had been invisible the whole time. Eric was outraged due to loss of face, but his anger wasn't red hot fast. It was cool, calm, and collected. At that moment, he had become ice.
Not only had Will somehow appeared magically, but he had also spun Eric, so they were now facing opposite directions. Eric was now facing emptiness, while Will was looking at Rhino and Co.
”Lady Ashley must surely have faith in me.” Will's words did not garner the response they were supposed to, for one simple reason.
Certainly, Eric and Will were as different as an apple from an orange. Alas, both were still fruits.