Chapter 117 - Will, What The Hell Did You Do? (1/2)
While the observers were trying to get their heads around what was happening, Ezra looked back and said, ”I say, Will, were you trying to kill me?”
Will looked offended and said, ”How dare you insinuate such a thing about me!”
Ezra nodded and said, ”Yeah, your right. If you knew I was there you would have put more juice into it.”
Will laughed and placed his hand on Ezra's shoulder, ”Ah you know me so well.”
Ezra rolled his eyes and looked around, ”Looks like we have some uninvited guests, and they smell like lizards, want me to get rid of them for you?”
A chilling light escaped Ezra's eyes as he looked up while killing intent billowed out of him like an erupting volcano. Will could not help but be impressed, not to mention he really enjoyed seeing the people from the Empire scared like that, but he had had enough fun today.
”Nah bro its cool, I actually invited them.”
”What could you possibly be doing with people from the lizard village?”
Ezra did little to lower his voice. Considering that everyone here was of a relatively high level, they could all hear his words. So when he called the Dragonheart Empire 'the lizard village', everyone from the Empire could not help but feel uncomfortable. The deep disdain from his words could be felt from miles away. But no one did anything. Even if a Supreme was here, they would not take action, at least not alone.
Will put his arm around Ezra and said, ”Don't worry, I will explain everything. I didn't expect to see you so soon. Come let's go sit down and catch up on the good old days. Oh and you guys!”
Will stared at the crew up high while pointing to the damage left by his true strike, ”Clean up this mess. That's an order.” As soon as he said that's an order Will let out a condescending laugh. Ezra's arrival had shocked everyone to the point that they forgot a crucial fact, Will had just single-handedly beaten them at the same level, with little to no effort from his side at all!
Will led Ezra to the main lobby of the hotel that he was using as his base. The Duo sat down face to face and stared at each other, each with a rather strange expression on their face and the reason for that was simple. This was the first time they had physically met yet none was like what the other had assumed them to be.
”Ok Will lets get down to business. Before we talk about anything else I need you to explain something to me. Five years ago why did you choose me out of everyone you knew.”
”Its pretty simple really, you were recommended by someone I trust very well.”
Ezra crossed his arms and said ”That doesn't make sense because you only knew me online. The only reason we knew each other is that we were part of the same guild in an online game. None of us each other's true identities as far as I know.”