Chapter 91 - Bluff (1/2)

”Apologies fellow friends, my discussion with Karim here took a bit longer than expected.”

At this exact moment, the large Nzou had brought back the similarly large Karim, except the latter, had lost his usual smile and upbeat vibe. If anything he looked like an incredibly depressed man. Lord knows what Nzou had discussed with him.

”Alright, everyone follow Letty, we need to head indoors for a nice chat.” Said Will after some thought. The others nodded and followed Letty deeper into the city.

After clearing the debris, a large majority of the city had been cleared. Only a few pristine select buildings were left in their positions. The roads had been repaired while plenty of empty spots existed dotting the city.

Within a few minutes of brisk walking, the group arrived in front of what should have been a hotel previously. A sign reading 'Senbonken' was the only sign of what this was. The group had some idle chatter while Letty led them to a lobby inside the building. It was quite luxurious and spacious, with drinks and all sorts of snacks available for everyone.

This was Will's first time in this room but one look at him would make you think otherwise. He sat at one of the chairs and leaned back, gesturing for the others to do so. Once everyone had sat down, Wills' face became unusually somber.

”Okay, Alexa, would you mind telling me what you know about my class?”

Alexa smoothly crossed her legs and said, ”I assure you Lady Letty would no doubt know more than me.”

Will frowned and straightened his back, ”But I'm not asking her, I'm asking you.”

”Both you and Lady Letty belong to the empire now. Although you have been given charge of this area, you lack the qualifications to order me around.” Said Alexa, cool and calm.

”I don't give a shit who you think I belong to. If the pill you gave me kills me on the spot then so be it, I don't give a damn, I'm not afraid of dying, but I will be damned if a suit in a mask doesn't answer questions in my own back yard. If you keep playing coy then I will decide to break away from the empire. Which will no doubt kill me instantly, then you have to explain to your superiors how you let a Water Meister/Supreme Candidate die under your watch. You have 30 seconds to decide. If you think I'm fucking around look into my eyes. Time starts now.”