Chapter 81 - Visitors Ahoy (1/2)
AN: I fixed the previous chap, i don't know why it repeated lol, so please read it before reading this. If you saw no repeated in the previous chap then read on ahead
Above the waters of the Pacific ocean, a large bird-like creature flew at incredible speeds, causing the wind around it to become chaotic. The bird was like a bald eagle, with a wingspan of over 50 meters. This stupendous creature was a beauty of creation. Under normal circumstances, it would be prideful and not allow any creature to undermine it, but circumstances were different this time.
On the back of the creature was a group of nine people. Each of the people radiated power in the form of either mana or qi. Sitting on the eagle's head was a normal looking brunette girl. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. She wore leather armor without any weaponry at all. Her demeanor was so inconspicuous one might not even notice her presence.
Behind her was a man clad in ninja attire. He had two short swords strapped to his back and multiple small weapons strapped all over his body. He had a hood concealing the majority of his face while the rest of his body was covered in some manner. Only his short and slim stature gave one an indication of what he was. He was one of only two people who dared to stand on the eagle while it flew in this chaotic manner.
Next to him seated on the ground was a young man dressed in white robes. He had a scimitar on his legs which he kept sharpening while he concentrated. The young man was incredibly handsome, much to his chagrin. His face was the perfect combination of grace and manliness. His blue eyes were as deep as the ocean they traveled above while his short silky black hair reflected the sunlight as if it was in pure bliss. The man was dressed simply, besides his scimitar and robes he had nothing else, or to be more accurate, he needed nothing else.
A fat young woman snorted on the ground near him. She wore a typical mage's robe. Her red hair was tied into a ponytail while her freckled face slept like she had not a single care in the world. The fat on her stomach wobbled with each breath she took as if she was synchronizing with the bird's flight. All she had was a plain wooden staff which she hugged as of it was a pillow.
”Disgusting pig.”
The speaker of these words was a pretty blonde girl, whose body was adorned in lavish regalia. Her mage's robe was also quite eye-catching. Even her staff looked flashy with a large diamond-like gem at the tip Her face was incredibly charming, while her robe did little to hide her incredible curves. Her massive chest swayed from side to side as she sat on, looking at the fat girl in disgust.
”Merlin, I will give you all my wealth if you say those words to her face when she wakes up.” Merlin's face became a dreadful shade of blue as she thought of the consequences of such an action. She looked at the speaker and snorted in disdain at the woman who had spoken to her.
”Shut up whore.” Said Merlin with a frosty look on her face.
The target of Merlin's insult giggled as she continued to fix her make up. Mages normally covered the majority of their body in robes, but this woman completely turned that logic upside down. She wore a bikini like leather armor that revealed every bit of her body that she could reveal. Although she was in her 30's, she looked no older than any of the other girls there. She also had ridiculous curves. Her hips were shaped in an almost sinful manner while her chest looked like it was about to explode. Her face was incredibly sensual while her waist begged to be handled.
”Salty, don't listen to the kid, you are the most amazing woman on this planet. Mama mia just look at you! Like a child born from beauty incarnate itself, you-” before the man could finish he was disturbed.
”Shut up Francesco! Who are you calling a brat!” Merlin shouted.