Chapter 60 - Blind Rage (1/2)

”In this world, there are usually two kinds of happiness.” As Adelda was viewing the battle below, a voice sounded by her side. She immediately turned and bowed. Modus only raised a hand to signal her to rise. ”The first kind of happiness comes from one succeeding at their endeavors, the second kind of happiness comes from enjoying the misery of others.” The plain looking Modus then pointed at Will, causing Adelda to focus on Will once more.

”There is a time, however, when a third type of happiness occurs. One that derives pleasure from one's own misery and not the misery of others.” As Modus said these words, Adelda could not help but focus on the odd expression on Will's face.

Modus did not say more and merely continued looking on at the battle. Adelda had understood the underlying meaning in his words. Will had taken one step closer toward the forbidden path for those born with Bloodlust, the path of Asura!

Will's mind was in utter chaos. Countless ideas and thoughts were running through his mind, many calculations and plans were being churned and destroyed, all for the sole purpose of achieving one thing.

'How do I prolong this battle?'

Will had entered a state of euphoria. He himself was not aware of when this happened. And he did not care. He was enjoying himself far too much. Despite the fact that the puppy clearly had the upper hand. Despite the fact that it had been Will who had been on the receiving end of the damage, he was still happy. Because he was completely and utterly suppressed!

Make no mistake, Will was not a masochist, far from it, he was actually a sadist by nature and he was proud of it. But this battle had pushed him to his limits. His energy reserves were low, his body was fatigued, his conscious was fading, his ears were ringing, his arms felt like they weighed a ton, and most important of all his own life was on the line! This was a state Will had not achieved for a long time.

Will was now running on fumes, and he himself knew that he was walking a tight rope and that one mistake could make him fall into the chasm of darkness. But to Will, it was worth it. Because he could feel that at a microscopic level, he was getting stronger, or to be more precise, his technique was improving.

Will had an abundance of World Energy in King Yama's gate due to many factors, and when he fought the bosses while training his True Strikes he was never pushed to the real brink of exhaustion, thus he never really was forced into a situation where he had to improve himself due to fatigue.

Cut from this angle to reduce wind resistance, step like this to reduce muscle strain, shift weight in this manner in order to add more force to blows. Multiple thoughts like this were running through Will's mind, all trying to help him to improve!

Finally, when Will had been blasted into the water, he felt it. Perhaps it was because he was nearly empty on energy, or perhaps because his mind had been forced to work at peak strength for a long time, but as Will fell into the water, he felt a connection to the water he had never felt before. It lasted for less than a fraction of a second, but this connection was like a key opening a door in Will's mind.

The door was barely open, but for Will, this was more than enough. A wave of refreshment washed over Will's body and he lost control of his body. His mind had faded into the bliss of spirituality. It was at this moment that Will was walking out of the waters with the rusty sword in hand. His body had as if conscious tossed away the stick and drawn the sword. Despite not being fully aware of his actions, Will's body was doing all it could to bring him back to his true state of being a swordsman. His cultivation base shivered with excitement as his Qi moved according to the path designated by the Solitary Sword Sovereign manual.

The puppy's eyes narrowed in on the sword.