Chapter 38 - Lords (1/2)
Will knew he looked like a fool, he had also known from life experience that a happy go lucky transfer student was annoying, so Will quickly calmed himself down and entered the room. He tried putting on the coolest and most indifferent face he could. In addition, he without a doubt succeeded, perhaps too well…
As Will sat on his chair, he continued to listen in on the conversations throughout the school using aqua sense. The moment the lunch bell rang, Will was surrounded by students from all sides; bombarding him with questions about his class, his level, his history, etc.
Will was silent throughout the entire interrogation because he found these students annoying; He also knew this would happen eventually so he was resigned to his fate. Users in this world only accounted for one-quarter of the population. They were directly involved with the survival of humanity so they enjoyed quite the status, especially combat related users. Only a small portion of users had combat-related classes.
Alice, for example, had the class Scholar. It was information based class and focused on making one smarter, a scholar was essentially a moving library. Scholars used mana and had intelligence as their primary effector. This was one of the most common classes and was often looked down upon because few could utilize the battle capabilities of such a class.
In an attempt to escape the crowd, Will left the classroom and headed straight for the cafeteria. Little did he know that he would face an even bigger mob. The moment he entered the room became so quiet one could hear a pin drop to the ground. Once the mob started forming around him once again Will facepalmed himself.
Suddenly the mob was silent. It quickly split into two and made way for a group of people who were decked in cool looking armor from head to toe. The group was led by a boy wearing golden armor. The boy was incredibly large; he was also incredibly handsome and had a great sword strapped to his waist.
The boy walked straight toward Will and said with a mocking expression, ”He is only level twenty, and look at him. No armor, nothing besides that sword, his class is something called Water Meister, no one has ever even heard of it. It's probably a piece of rare garbage.” Many of the surrounding
teens laughed at his words.
Just because a class was rare does not mean it was useful. It was actually quite the opposite. Most of the unique and rare classes were useless and weak and were referred to as rare garbage or rare trash.