Chapter 20 - True Cultivation (1/2)

Will could sense it, but he also could not touch it. He could feel it but he also felt as if it wasn't there. It was both tangible and intangible at the same time. Such was the existence called the Soul.

Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. All Will did was meditate constantly. The originally boring and mundane activity had turned into a realm of new discoveries for Will.

Nearly every day he was discovering something new about his body. Something he didn't know about or didn't think was possible. It took time, but eventually, Will was finally able to accomplish one of his objectives. He was able to control some of his Soul Force!

He felt like a child learning how to ride a bike, except he had never seen anyone ride. All he had ever done was hear that it was a mode of transport.

Such was exactly the situation Will was facing.

Since he had no teacher and barely any knowledge, all Will could do was fumble about and try everything he could. After a few weeks, Will had finally been rewarded by the forces that be for his efforts.

As Will sat cross-legged, a small wisp of Soul Force, virtually no different from a string, left his body and started roaming the atmosphere. After a few seconds, Will could sense some energy. Using that small wisp of Soul Force Will would do his best to draw in the energy he assumed was World Energy and tried to circulate whatever energy he had collected around his body.

The first time this seemed futile, for the moment the World Energy entered his body, it got absorbed by his body. This was an incredibly pleasurable experience for the young Will. So pleasurable that he could not help but moan.

”Shit! No wonder cultivators don't have sex, who needs that when you have this come to daddy!”

With a renewed vigor, Will started to cultivate with an extremely perverse look on his face. Adelda, who was invisible to the young man could not help but be stunned. At first, she felt obligated to shake head in disappointment, but Will once more pulled a rabbit out of a hat.

If the first strand of Soul Force Will had released was like a string, then his second strand of Soul Force, if it could even be called a strand, was like a vine with the thickness of a horse's leg.

No! This is impossible! I refuse to believe this! Lust is supposed to impair one's ability to sense and manipulate their Soul Force! Even if he has the spirit gate this is too much!

Adelda could not help but swallow her saliva as she saw the young Will take in World Energy like a madman. When one normally cultivates they should have a calm and serene expression, whereas Will...

That pig! That freak! How can he make such sounds! How can he make such an expression!