Chapter 15 - Blood Calamity Part 3 (1/2)
Fear of the unknown was something all sentient creatures had; it was the driving force for many fears, including fear of death. We fear death because we have never experienced it, one could even go as far as to say that no logic can get this fear out of you.
We want to survive because we don't know what happens if we die. Do we disappear into nothingness? Or is there life after death? No matter what you believe, the driving force behind the fear of death is the fear of the unknown.
It's not necessarily a bad thing either, this fear also drives curiosity, it drives us to understand, and it drives us to learn; which in turn drives us to become smarter.
The wolves had the intelligence of a human, thus they should have the emotions of one too. Emotional intelligence is also part of human nature. Will was counting on the emotional intelligence these creatures had.
They had just seen three of their comrades die, in a matter of seconds, and they had no idea how. They could clearly see that Will was below them In terms of cultivation, and in terms of numbers, but his confidence and his actions had made the generals doubt their senses. The king, on the other hand, was not as affected as his counterparts.
Although Will had put on quite a show, to the king, at the end of the day, it was merely a show. As far as the king was concerned, if Will was really as strong as he seemed, he would have finished them off sooner, and in a clear manner, without having to rely on tricks like a mist.
Will saw the wolves and was happy with what he had done. Remembering what he had just pulled off; Will couldn't help but curve his lips into a smile.
Earlier, the moment the wolves lunged at Will, he put up a thick mist wall that covered the front, making it impossible for the other side to see through, and then he jumped back a little bit.
As soon as he landed, he quickly whipped out roughly two cubic meters of water, separated it into two balls of water that were roughly the same mass, then he put each ball in one hand.
Will then started compressing and rotating the balls, just like what he had done with his first custom technique; Suijin no Ikari. Each ball reduced to almost a quarter of its original size. Such was the wonder of yuan.
Since he had done it once before and was doing at a smaller scale, with an upgraded class, the process was much faster and more efficient, as the balls were spinning, Will brought out some more water, effectively covering each sphere completely in a sheet of water.
He did this because once the technique reached its optimum state, it was very loud and imposing, so he wanted to hide this. From the outside, these looked like stationary balls of water. This incredible feat of control was only possible due to the dual mind skill.
Will could sense that the wolves had impacted his wall, so he got ready and crouched, jumping forward with all his strength. The moment the wolves approached the other side, all they saw was Will jumping toward them with two balls of water. Due to being blinded by anger, they completely forgot about their other abilities, and opened their mouths, wanting to bite and rip Will to shreds.
To Will, this made his life much easier. Will was really close to the wall, so the moment the wolves got out and saw Will, he was only a few feet away. Will threw the water spheres inside the mouths of the generals. He ducked at the fastest speed he could muster and rolled forward. Once the spheres had entered the mouths of the wolves, Will knew that the fight was virtually over.