Part 17 (2/2)

RUSKIN, J. Lectures on Art, 1900.

SYMONDS, J. A. Essays, Speculative and Suggestive, 1890.

PAULHAN, FR. Le Mensonge de l'Art, 1907.

WHISTLER, J. McN. Ten o'Clock, 1888.

GUYAU, J. M. L'Art au point de vue sociologique, 1889.

Ca.s.sAGNE, A. La theorie de l'art pour l'art en France, 1906.

_Chapter Fifteen.--Art and Religion._

LANG, A. Myth, Ritual, and Religion, 1913.

DELLA SETA, A. Religion and Art, 1914.

HARRISON, J. Ancient Art and Ritual, 1913.

MURRAY, G. Four Stages of Greek Religion, 1912.

REINACH, S. Orpheus, 1909.

SANTAYANA, G. Poetry and Religion, 1900.

FRAZER, J. G. The Golden Bough.

HEGEL, G. W. F. Introduction to the Philosophy of Fine Art, translated by Bosanquet, 1886.

MUENSTERBERG, H. Philosophie der Werte, 1908.

WUNDT, WM. Volkerpsychologie, 1911.

SANTAYANA, G. Three Philosophical Poets, 1910.
