Part 7 (2/2)

Si the earlier years The eleebraic forms and methods of solution are introduced relatively early, andthe last (seventh) year of the lower schools These latter features are radically different froeneral procedure in the United States We are in the habit of presenting the variousone before another is considered to any extent whatever For exah, while parts of georeat aids in some of the arithmetical solutions are studiously avoided or excluded until the forun The people of Norway, on the contrary, enter the larger field of ical way--utilize available processes and forms at every opportunity The phases of mathematics are not specialized into isolation but coordinated into a working unity Instead of studying one subject throughout its intricacies and side issues before ad consideration of other phases of mathematics, they make it the rule to utilize the elemental factors of the various nition to the siardless of the special phase of the subject to which they belong, and use the entire product as groundwork for succeeding steps in the science In this way parts of algebra and geoher arithmetical operations

The texts used by the pupils are littleis done by the teacher and the texts are arranged in such a way that the children may have opportunity to becoh application of the lists of problems in their texts Very little blackboard is provided for the pupils' use, hence but little blackboard work is accomplished Each rooo through solutions Never have I seenat the blackboard While the lienerally calls for an increased amount of dependence upon intellectual activity and consequent increase in mental alertness, the free use of blackboards relieves the mind of unnecessary burdens which her centers a freer activity in pushi+ng on the quest for the unknown


_Aim_ To obtain (1) A somewhat complete acquaintance with the fatherland; its conditions, coraphy of Europe, especially the countries to the north and the other longer civilized countries (3) A view of the different continents and a closer acquaintance with lands and places which are of greatest ie of the raphy

_First Division_

_Class II_ (Boys three hours, girls two hours, weekly) With continuous reference to local geography and places known to the children, the pupils are brought to understand geographical foriven to charts and s (on blackboard and tablets) of the schoolroos with streets and sos; and then to the entire city with its environs, etc, etc The children should becoraphy, soil, valleys, plains, ridges, ht, rising and setting of planets (sun, moon, and stars), flora and fauna, altitude, sea level, etc Fros the work extends to the entire fatherland which is considered in an elementary fashi+on Herein are included elementary studies of coast line, principal systems of valleys, and location and size of cities

Map drawing of small localities

_Class III_ (Two hours weekly) Theits location with reference to other lands and seas as well as its relations thereto, enter into a study of other European countries in the order in which they would naturally be entered if touring from the fatherland Subdivisions of the sea and land, also cities, railways, canals, rivers, and mountains are to be studied

Pictures are to be used in illustration By the use of globes and other illustrative material, the discussion may be extended to other parts of the world Each of the several divisions of the earth is to be treated in an ele is to be outlined or indicated on the maps and charts--first by the teacher and later by the pupils

_Second Division_

_Class IV_ (One hour weekly) On the foundation of as done in Class III the work shall be extended to the outlying divisions of Europe--Norway, Sweden, Denal, Italy, Russia The study of maps is emphasized both for review and neork Every land is considered with reference to the fatherland, other known lands, the equator, and the poles Attention confined to typical aspects: description of a typical city, acenter, etc, special variations in climate, flora and fauna, chief natural scenery, commercial activities, products and conditions of the citizens

Readings on geographical topics are correlated with picture illustrations Details and illustrations utilized as in Class III

_Class V_ (One hour weekly) Holland, Belgiuary, and the Balkan peninsula are considered after the plan used in Class IV After these European countries, foreign countries are discussed Study and instruction in this class is in accord with the outlines of work in previous classes though e islands in the Pacific Ocean, North Africa with its Sahara, Central Africa, The United States of America, Australia, etc, are also considered

_Third Division_

_Class VI_ (One hour weekly) The geography of the fatherland is gone through thoroughly with the aie of their country's nature, commerce, and life in its various localities The chief points considered are: coast line, surface, water channels, climate--east and west--boundaries, inhabitants, life of the people, political divisions This is to be constantly correlated hat has been learned previously of other European countries Map drawing in detail Review of former work

_Class VII_ (One hour weekly) The raphy are presented, being continuously illustrated by charts, lobes, astronomical plates, etc The horizon, earth forraphical breadth and length; the moon, its phases; the planets, etc, are important topics for study Others are positions of continents and oceans with reference to each other, clies in temperature, movements of the sea, the more important ocean streahout the study constant connections should be raphy, natural history, and nature study

The outline indicates both thoroughness and a close correlation with related fields of work Beginning with the well-known in geography they gradually widen their horizon and establish connections with the more remote parts of the earth until the children obtain a e of this branch of study and get a view of its intricate relations with life and huenerally characterized by thoroughness, their study of localities outside of Europe is silance

To be sure time is insufficient to enable them to exhaust all opportunities; but, it would see on matters which directly concern the fatherland and its subjects, did they bring the young into a more intimate acquaintance with America and a fuller appreciation of what Aians Very few Norsemen are without vital interests here Nearly all, it seerated from the native land and have established homes in the United States It appears that it would be i brethren and acquaint theraphy of Araphy, coraphy a chapter of unsurpassed values

The hich is done is commendable for many reasons The many-sided views obtained by varied ful

Every pupil is ready with a full discussion in response to a question relating to their own country Furthermore, they are infor between each country studied and the fatherland These have been clearly pointed out The perspective obtained through the study of physical andto every day of life as well as to all the phenomena of nature


_Aim_ The chief aim of instruction in history is to inspire the children's historic instincts and love for their country and people In an effort to obtain this the following infore of the history of the fatherland together with the fundamental tendencies of the social order (2) Acquaintance with the eneral history