Part 5 (1/2)
7 Tonsberg Overlaerer 2500 2650 2800 Laerer, hg 2400 16001800 2000 2200 2400 Laerer, lg 1400 Laererinde, hg 1300 Laererinde, lg 900 980 1060 1140 1220 1300
8 Kongsberg Laerer, hg 1800 Laerer, lg 1300 1450 1600 1700 1800 Laererinde, hg 1100 Laererinde, lg 700 800 900 1000 1100
Chapter III
We come now to a consideration of the course of study in the school systehout other parts of Europe, so in Norway, education during the es issued almost exclusively fro Kathedral Skoler_), and in theerms of most modern courses of study Inasmuch as the successive steps in the evolution of the recent schools of Europe from the earlier forms vary but little in the several countries, and since the subject is already familiar to nearly all students of education, we o feature of history, and refer the reader to any of the several works treating it fully Suffice it to say, the ai these earlier schools centered in the developathered a loyal following, well-trained in the doganization
At this time the monk and a small coroup studied together fro the up The masters saw the new developments if they were not thehts became fixed in the youthful minds, individual interests pressed harder and harder still until provision wasthe work of instruction as well as for widening the scope of activities within the schools While the aiive instruction and discipline in lines necessary to a clerical career, it changed by degrees until it included branches useful in legitiy However, the diversifying of school activities and the enriches that were taking place in other phases of the social cosovernable until there syste to the requirements Great credit is due to the leaders in the Refor means for instruction and education upon a more secure and per to the schools certain vitality that had rarely, if ever, been characteristic of any similar institution
The new type of school bore a staain a momentum which was not soon to be overcome In fact, the schools of all the ely do works of such men as Erasmus, Luther, Melanchthon, and Sturm
Now the ideas of these fae in Norway than in the centers from whence they came Until the union between this country and Deniven to advancing educational interests in Norway The work of her cathedral schools had been little i the centuries that had passed since their establishment When at last Norway became a free constitutional state and these Norsereater personal liberties, realized that their destiny was to be of their own , and fully sensed their important responsibilities in the situation, they all, ecclesiasts and politicians, capitalists and laborers, co their schools in ways calculated to lift the ht were in relation to as to be taught and to the extension of learning An opportunity for instruction was given to every youth in the land
For a long ti, while in the primary schools only the rudiments of a few subjects were attempted Social tendencies soon required an increase in the nuht upon the importance of such study as would be of benefit in vocational activities Accordingly, raphy, and nature study became more prominent features in all schools One of the best characteristics of the work throughout is that the h every grade of their schools Later in the process a dees was responded to favorably and they took places in the curriculuh the last century to the recent forms in courses of study and we shall introduce the reader immediately into the present situation
Besides the institutions for higher learning there are now three distinct sections in the school system of Norway, viz: Primary School, Middle School, and Gyned to provide education of an elementary type for every citizen of the country By vital cooperation and the exercise of great care in organization, distribution, supervision, and inspection of these schools, the people have overcome illiteracy and have reduced truancy to a ible factor They are unitedly converted to the belief that an enlightened populace is a necessity to the continuity of desirable institutions, to the development of resources, and to the maintenance of worthy traditions To secure for all the essentials of good and intelligent citizenshi+p, an attempt has been made to have the curriculum for the pri in every walk of life, and which enhance the efficiency of each citizen in his individual activities In short, it is the intent that all the people shall have the eneral, elementary education; and, at the saher schools which build on the broad foundation of the co the primary schools are the middle schools which lead still farther in the pathway of intellectual development those whose situation in life enables the forward the lines of study begun in the lower school with added vigor and exactitude, they include a large aes Thus we see that this second section in the great institution of learning fills in the elementary framework, enriches the fund of information, adds a considerable amount of culture, and paves the way for theto follow in the next section
The Gymnasium succeeds and builds directly upon the work of the middle school Its function is to provide a liberal culture and education suited to the needs and desires of those who becoe part the leaders in all phases of political, professional, or other social careers
Thus we note that the succeeding steps taken in the educational ladder are in har work While only a correspondingly small nues of the broad fundaeneralizations which lie at the base of their educational system and equip very well for the common walks and vocations of life In our discussion we shall separate the work of the three sections and consider them one at a time It seems advisable to handle them in this way, and we believe that a more adequate conception of the work as a whole will be obtained by offering first the part affecting all the people and dealing with the primary schools
The prined for the rural sections of the country and others provided for the towns and cities, the latter being soanization, andthe fact that such uniformity characterizes the courses of study in the various schools, it will be necessary to present but one outline for each class of schools An effort has been made to select courses that are representative and which clearly set forth typical conditions Table VIII gives the program of work offered in one of the rural communes, and shows the number of hours per week devoted to each branch of study for the seven years in the course Just after the legislative act of 1889, the Departuide in arranging the tireat unifor the Number of Hours per Week for Each Branch of Instruction in the Course of Study in Fredrikvaern Coion 7 7 5 6 6 6 6 43 Norwegian 10 8 8 8 8 6 6 54 Matheraphy 2 2 3 3 3 13 History 2 2 3 3 3 13 Nature Study 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 14 Writing 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 24 Drawing 1 2 2 2 2 9 Vocal Music 2 1 2 2 2 2 11 Manual Training 2 2 4 6 6 20 Gymnastics 2 2 2 2 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- Total 30 30 30 38 38 40 40 246
The program just above is normal and typical in every respect The schools are very uniform in their work and, as previously stated, no further tables are necessary in order to give a concise idea of the work generally presented in the rural districts of the entire country
The second program selected is the one used in the primary schools of Christiania[22] The schools of this city are a the best and are taken as models for a number in other cities and towns
Course of study shoeekly hours in Christiania Primary Schools