Part 11 (1/2)
Francesca could hardly believe that her instincts had been right. But there were only a few choices now. Either Harry de Warenne was the Slasher, or he was Gwen O'Neil's ex-lover and ex-employer, or both. She thought the former possibility far more likely, as she could not see Randolph pursuing any woman across an entire ocean, especially not a woman who had been a housemaid in his employ. ”Hurry,” she cried, fear for Gwen choking her. She fumbled with her purse while Hart stepped from the coach.
She leaped out behind him, her gun in hand. Hart caught her around the waist. ”If that is loaded, you could shoot someone-including me.”
”Of course it is loaded,” she said in a hush. She gave him a look. ”A fool's errand?”
He pushed the barrel of the small revolver down. ”Do you have to carry that?” he asked.
Francesca hurried past him, leading the way to the building's entrance. ”If your friend Randolph is up there murdering Gwen, we shall both be very happy that I am armed,” she said in a low tone.
He stepped around her to push open the front door. ”I agree, his behavior is suspicious, but that does not mean he is a murderer.”
Francesca did not answer, racing up the stairs. She paused before Gwen's door and unable to help herself, pressed her ear to the rough, splintering wood. She could not detect a thing.
Hart said, clearly amused, ”Shall we knock?”
”Hus.h.!.+” She strained to hear but there was nothing. Her alarm grew as she straightened.
”Hart, break the door down,” she ordered, her heart pounding.
He gave her a mildly incredulous look.
”Hurry!” she cried, terribly afraid for Gwen's welfare.
Hart tested the k.n.o.b and the door was unlocked, for it opened instantly.
Francesca stood on tiptoe to see past him and started.
Randolph held Gwen tightly in his arms, kissing her deeply. The woman clung.
Engrossed, the lovers did not hear them.
Francesca lowered her gun.
Police headquarters was stunningly busy that night. The holding cell was filled with drunksand hoodlums. Several officers stood at the front desk, processing two more rowdies, and apair of civilian gentlemen looked ready to come to blows, barely being kept apart by acouple of weary policemen. Only one typewriter could be heard, though, when usuallydozens were industriously at work. That night, there was no pinging of the telegraph and onlythe occasional ring of the telephones. Gwen was ashen. ”You can't be doing this! He has nothing to do with that awful Slasher,Miss Cahill!” she cried, one arm around her daughter. They had asked Randolph to come with them to headquarters and he had agreed, his.e.xpression impa.s.sive and impossible to read. Francesca had explained that he might beuseful in solving the case she was working on. Gwen had been determined to join them andhad roused her daughter to do so, in spite of Randolph insisting that she remain at her flat.Now Gwen clasped her daughter to her side. ”We merely wish to ask him a few questions,” Francesca said with a rea.s.suring smile. ”Youshould really go home, Gwen,” she added, wondering why the woman had leaped to theconclusion that Randolph was a suspect. Hart said, ”My driver has taken Maggie home, but I can find you a cab.” Gwen had a terribly stubborn look on her face, one that was answer enough. ”Miz Cahill?” Francesca turned at the sound of Inspector Newman's voice. ”Did you reach Bragg?” sheasked quickly. ”He is on his way,” Newman said. ”Randolph is in the conference room. C'mish said youcould go up and start questioning him if you want to.” ”That would be wonderful,” Francesca said. She reached for Gwen's hand. ”It is so late. Youreally should go home.” ”I am staying,” Gwen said hoa.r.s.ely. ”I am staying until you release him!” As they moved toward the stairs, Hart murmured, ”Should we advise the inspector to G.o.down to the Holland House and search Randolph's room?” She was pleased. Hart would make a good sleuth, if he ever wished to. ”That is an excellentsuggestion, and I agree that his hotel room should be searched for any clues. However, Ithink Bragg will have to send someone over when he gets here.” She started up the stairs,Hart at her side. ”I thought you were certain Randolph is innocent.” ”Most murders seem to be committed by family members, or spouses, or lovers,” he said. ”But Gwen hasn't been murdered,” she remarked, playing the devil's advocate. ”If they were lovers in Ireland, he has come a very long way to rekindle the romance,” Hartremarked. ”Meaning that the affair is hardly an ordinary one.” Francesca smiled at him. ”Meaning that there are at least a dozen questions I wouldn't mind asking him, myself.Remember, this man does not womanize, Francesca. Not with and not with ladies.So what does an affair with a housemaid mean? I cannot understand why he is really here inthe city.” ”I don't know, but even I am not romantic enough to think it anything but extremelysuspicious.” She pushed open the conference room door. Randolph sat at the long table, alone, apparently brooding. An armed officer stood by thedoor, leaning against the wall. He nodded at her. Francesca recognized him. ”Good evening, O'Reilly. The commissioner has said we couldquestion Lord Randolph.” She went to the table and sat down across from Randolph. Hestared at her, his expression tight, but did not utter a word. Hart paused, standing behind her. Randolph looked up at him. Hart said, ”Randolph, youhave not once asked why we wish to speak with you here at Police Headquarters.” He folded his arms across his chest. ”Miss Cahill said I might be able to help herinvestigation into the Slasher. That seems reason enough.” Hart raised a brow. ”That does not surprise you?”
”Of course it surprises me. But if I can help, I will.” Francesca leaned forward. ”Why did you lie about your acquaintance with Mrs. Hanrahan?” ”I had no idea the lady you referred to was the Mrs. Hanrahan I had once employed.” ”You mean the Mrs. Hanrahan who was your mistress.” His jaw flexed. ”I prefer not to discuss Gwen.” ”Unfortunately, she is the reason you are here. You see, she might be the Slasher's nextvictim-in fact, Margaret Cooper might have been killed erroneously, in her stead.” Randolph shot to his feet. ”But what about the others? How would they be connected to her?And there is only one person endangering Gwen's life-David Hanrahan,” he ground out. ”How long were you involved with Mrs. Hanrahan?” Hart interposed calmly. He was red with anger. ”I fail to see how this is anyone's business but my own.” Bragg had stepped briskly into the room. If he was surprised to see Hart there, he gave nosign. ”Lord Randolph, I am Commissioner Bragg. Unfortunately, with a killer on the loose,you have no choice but to answer our questions.” Still crimson, Randolph said, ”Six months.” ”You knew her for six months or you had an affair with her for six months?” Francescaasked. ”I knew her for a year and a half,” he said tersely. ”So you were lovers for six months,” Francesca said. ”I fail to see the point of this line of inquiry,” he cried. Francesca thought about the fact that he had known Gwen for an entire year before he hadseduced her. ”Where were you last Thursday evening, Lord Randolph?” Bragg asked, cutting to thechase. Randolph started and then glanced at Francesca and Hart. ”They know where I was. I was atthe Montrose affair. I beg your pardon, but why are you asking me this?” ”You arrived late,” Francesca pointed out. ”You arrived sometime after 9:00 p.m., perhapseven at half past nine. The affair started at seven. Where were you before you arrived at mysister's house?” His gaze widened. ”I was in my rooms at the hotel,” he said. Francesca stiffened, glancing at Hart and then Bragg. ”Alone?” ”Yes, alone. I was planning to dine in my rooms-as I usually do-and then I decided to goto your sister's affair.” He glanced from Francesca to Bragg and then to Hart. ”Whatdifference does it make?” Francesca stood up, thinking about the fact that he had no alibi for the time of KateSullivan's murder. Bragg stepped forward and leaned on the table. ”Did you know Kate Sullivan, LordRandolph?” His eyes widened. ”No. Who is Kate Sullivan?” Francesca turned. ”Kate Sullivan was murdered by the Slasher Thursday night, between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m.” He paled and then he was on his feet. ”You think I am the Slasher?” he cried. ”No one is accusing you of anything,” Bragg said. ”Why have you come to New York? Hart told me you usually have your a.s.sistants handleyour overseas affairs,” Francesca said. He stared at her, his brilliant blue eyes wide. ”Certain matters needed my personalattention,” he said after a pause. ”What matters?” she shot back. ”Gwen?” He flushed. ”Are you in love with her?” Francesca asked. ”Who ended the affair? Did you approve of hercoming to America?” He remained sheet-white. He finally said, ”Her husband found out. There was no choice end the liaison.” He hesitated and added, ”I had no idea she would leave Ireland. It all happened so quickly.” ”Is Gwen Hanrahan the reason you came to New York City?” Francesca pressed. He briefly closed his eyes. Then he opened them. ”Yes.” She inhaled, hard. ”And what day did you arrive here, precisely?” His blue gaze never wavered. ”I arrived here March 31,” he said. Francesca felt the air leave her lungs in a rush. He had arrived in the city the week beforethe Slasher had begun his deadly work. And he had come to the city because of Gwen. ”Where were you Monday evening, April 7?” she heard Bragg ask, referring to the nightFrancis O'Leary had been attacked. ”I'd have to check my calendar,” he said flatly. ”But I would imagine I was dining alone in myhotel room.” * * * Francesca paced restlessly in Bragg's office. Her mind raced and her temples throbbed. Itwas very possible, she thought, that they had the Slasher in custody. She turned to faceHart. He stood at the window, looking down on Mulberry Street, which was extremely busy even atthis late hour, most of the pedestrians drunk and many on the arms of prost.i.tutes. Sensingher gaze, he glanced at her. ”He followed Gwen here. An Irish n.o.bleman, a recluse with a reputation for being dour,followed his lover across an entire ocean-his lover, who fits the profile of the Slasher'svictims perfectly,” she said. Bragg walked inside before she had finished her thoughts. ”Well?” she cried. ”He doesn't seem to have a single alibi for any of the nights in question.” ”No, he doesn't. And I find it odd that a man like Randolph would not be clever enough tohave some very solid alibis,” Bragg said. ”But frankly, if he has an obsession for her, Icannot comprehend it.” Hart murmured, ”An obsession is not rational.”
”Neither is stalking and slas.h.i.+ng and murdering a certain type of woman,” Francesca said tersely. ”That is psychotic.”
Bragg faced Francesca. ”I am releasing him.”
”What?” She was shocked. Randolph was clearly obsessed and he could very well be their killer. But did he wish to harm Gwen, or just other women who were like her?
”I am releasing him with a tail. He has also agreed to hand over his calendar and I have sent an officer back to his hotel with him to retrieve it.”
Francesca ran to Bragg. ”It is! It's almost midnight. In a little more than twenty-four hours it will be Monday! Is that what you are thinking? That even though the Slasher chose to kill Kate Sullivan on Thursday, he could strike again on Monday as he has on the three previous weeks? And we will catch him in the act?”
”The Slasher will strike again, but frankly, I cannot hazard any guess as to when that will be.
Except I fear it will be soon,” Bragg said, his gaze riveted to her face. ”If Randolph is our man, he will be caught red-handed. I have put a tail on David Hanrahan as well.”
She seized his arm. ”If Randolph is our man, he might be planning to go after Gwen this time. I cannot decide if she is his real target or he wishes to hurt any other woman he deems is like her! Bragg, can you give her police protection?”
”Of course,” he said. ”And Francis O'Leary as well.”
She was vastly relieved.
”Sir?” Newman knocked as he poked his head into the office. ”I just got the report from Heinreich,” he said. ”An' Chief Farr isn't in, so he hasn't seen it yet.”
Bragg waved him in and took the pages from the rotund detective. He glanced at them and then looked up. He was scowling.
”What is it?” Francesca asked in alarm.
”Sullivan wasn't a suicide,” Bragg said.
Chapter 22.
Sunday, April 27, 1902.
After midnight
”What do you think?” Francesca asked.
They were alone in Hart's coach, sharing the back seat, as it raced uptown through mostly empty streets. He faced her, his posture relaxed. His expression, although shadowed in the dimly lit interior, was pensive. ”I think Randolph might be our man.”
”I am inclined to agree,” she whispered, feeling terrible for Gwen and her daughter. ”And Sullivan?”
”The Slasher wanted to mislead us,” Hart said. ”He murdered Sullivan to make us think Sullivan committed suicide after killing his wife.”
Francesca thought so, too. ”It is so extreme for a man like Randolph, a man reputed to be reclusive and to have never recovered from the death of his family, to have an affair with his housemaid and then follow her to America.” Impulsively, she reached for his hand.
His gaze flew to hers.
She suddenly recalled their terrible argument of just a few hours ago and she released his palm. But she did not look away.
He met her stare.
With real trepidation, she said, ”Are you still angry?”
His jaw was tight. ”I am not all that happy.”