Part 6 (1/2)
Dagger in hand, Ali stood very quietly in the darkness. Though he was looking toward Ben Akbar and the _dalul_ was only a few paces away, the darkness was so intense that he could barely discern the camel's outline. He neither saw nor heard anything else. It was as though Ali and Ben Akbar were the only inhabitants of a world suddenly turned black.
Ali battled the illusion, for the very silence and the feeling that he was alone were sufficient evidence that he faced deadly danger. The Jackal was no amateur who would seek to cow his enemy by hissed threats, mislead him by thrown stones or other ruses, or indulge in any other melodrama. He compared favorably with the tawny-maned lion who lays his ambush at a water hole where gazelles drink. Having decided that killing was in order, The Jackal would kill with a maximum of speed and efficiency, brought about by a lifetime of experience.
Ben Akbar did not even move. He would remain exactly as he was and where he was until Ali himself gave permission to get up or until circ.u.mstances beyond his friend's control forced him to arise. A lump rose in Ali's throat. Ben Akbar was far more than just a magnificent _dalul_. He was Ali's other self, a true brother and to be loved as such. Ali renewed his vow that, so long as Allah saw fit to spare him, just so long would he and Ben Akbar face the same winds, traveling side by side.
Suddenly, seeing his pilgrimage in an entirely new light, it was no longer a disappointment but more than rewarding. Perhaps, in His infinite wisdom, Allah bestowed different gifts upon different pilgrims, according to their true intentions. Ali knew that he was contented now, for, because of his pilgrimage, he had Ben Akbar. He would no longer stand alone against the world.
Presently, Ali became aware of great and immediate danger.
It was no sudden perception accompanied by sudden shock, but a complete and whole revelation, the ripening of each separate incident since The Jackal and Ahmet had appeared. Unless he did something about it, Ali's senses told him, he would be dead very shortly. At the same time, so clear was the light that bathed his mind, he was instantly able to understand exactly how this had come about.
He had underestimated The Jackal. Hearing Ben Akbar grunt, the man had identified him instantly. But he had also identified the tiny sounds made by a camel kneeling and he'd known why Ben Akbar was made to kneel.
The Jackal, had decided, not only that Ali would not await directly beside Ben Akbar, but also exactly where he would be found. It was what The Jackal himself might have done under similar circ.u.mstances. Now, dagger poised, he stood directly behind Ali and needed only one more silent step to carry him into a striking position.
When Ali moved, he did so swiftly, bending at the knees even while he swiveled the upper portion of his body forward to make a smaller target. At the same time, he pivoted on the b.a.l.l.s of his feet, so that he made a complete turn and faced his enemy. He thrust with all his strength.
The dagger's point found resistance, but not unyielding resistance. It bit hungrily into something that was both soft and warm. There was a gasp, a strangled grunt, then an almost gentle rustle as The Jackal wilted backwards and his own burnous enfolded him.
A shout cracked the darkness as a hammer blow might crack a pane of gla.s.s. ”Now then! Close in!”
b.l.o.o.d.y dagger still in his extended hand, Ali only half heard either the shout or the patter of running feet that immediately followed. Aghast at what he'd done but never intended to do, he remained rooted in his tracks. This was Mecca, The Holy City, and shedding blood within its borders was one of the very few sins for which there was no pardon.
Mohammed himself, when making prisoners of some enemies who sought to hide in Mecca, could carry out his own death sentence only by locking them in a building and letting them starve. No Moslem was wealthy or influential enough to attain forgiveness for shedding blood in Mecca.
So complete was his horror and so shocking, for a short s.p.a.ce Ali was only vaguely aware of rough hands that gripped him. Then someone spoke.
Ali recognized the voice of the fierce officer who had ambushed the Druse.
”It is the camel rider who was made keeper of the _dalul_, and he too has let his charge stray.”
A groan sounded in the darkness.
”He has done more than that,” someone whom Ali could barely see said in an awed whisper. ”He has shed blood in the Holy City.”
”Fool!” the officer said to Ali contemptuously. ”We knew who they were and were ready to take them! I would not care to wear your burnous at this moment!”
The single reason why he was not already lying beside the wounded man, Ali told himself, could be ascribed to the fact that the fierce officer dared not shed blood in Mecca. Certainly his execution would not be delayed when they no longer stood on Holy Ground.
Then the fog that had dulled Ali's brain when he stabbed The Jackal faded away. He thought of words voiced by the officer, 'the camel rider who was made keeper of the _dalul_, and he too has let his charge stray.' Obviously, the soldiers were unaware of Ben Akbar's nearness.
Ali saw his one hope of escape.
”Ho!” he called loudly and clearly. ”Ben Akbar! Come to me! Run!”
There was a rattling of pebbles as Ben Akbar hastened to obey.
Astonished soldiers, who hadn't even suspected this and needed a moment to decide what it might be, dodged out of the _dalul's_ path or were knocked out of it.
Side by side, Ali and Ben Akbar ran on until the friendly mantle of night hid both.
6. The Strange s.h.i.+p