Part 16 (1/2)

The room was instantly filled with the sound of hearty cheering from the officers in attendance.

”General Beauregard, you have overwhelmed me,” faltered Sempland as soon as he could make himself heard. ”I have done nothing to deserve this honor.”

Beauregard stepped nearer to him.

”You would have sacrificed your life for a woman,” whispered the gallant little general, approvingly. ”I understand.” Then he said aloud: ”See that you strive to merit our trust and confidence in the future, then. You will have many chances for great deeds with General Lee. Would that I were with him!”

”General,” said the young man, ”your kindness emboldens me. This lady, sir-”

”Is a prisoner,” said the general, shortly.

”I know it, sir. She committed a terrible blunder, yet-”

”Gentlemen,” said Beauregard, turning to his staff officers, ”you know the story of last night. How this lady interfered to prevent an important military manuvre, the object of which was the destruction of the Federal flags.h.i.+p by a torpedo, and incidentally the probable death of Captain Sempland. Such conduct is essentially treasonable, especially in a state of war. What is the punishment for such actions in the face of the enemy?”

”Death, sir,” returned the adjutant-general, solemnly.

”Are you all agreed as to that, gentlemen?”

”We are, sir,” was the unanimous reply.

They had been well tutored in the little comedy which the general had arranged, it was evident.

”Impossible, sir!” cried Sempland, in agony. They deceived even him with their seriousness. ”This is most irregular! I protest-”

”I am ready, gentlemen,” whispered f.a.n.n.y Glen, bravely, turning very white as she spoke, and not appearing at all ready in fact, ”I-I-am glad to-suffer, since Captain Sempland-” she faltered with a miserable attempt at courage.

”One moment, please,” broke in the little general, imperatively. ”But, gentlemen, the culprit has otherwise deserved well of her country, as you know. During the war her services in the general hospital have been beyond price. She is a woman. On the s.h.i.+p which it was proposed to blow up was her father, Admiral Vernon, a South Carolinian, whose ideas of duty led him to continue his services to the United States. These are mitigating circ.u.mstances. Here is no treachery to the South, merely a woman's desire to save her father from a swift and sudden death. No mischance has arisen from her action. Major Lacy took out the boat with his usual distinction, although, fortunately for the lady and the admiral, the Housatonic seems to have suffered instead of the Wabash. Under these circ.u.mstances, I think, it does not behoove us to be too severe. You agree with me, I am sure, gentlemen?”

”Certainly, sir, we do,” replied the officers in chorus.

”Thank you! thank you!” exclaimed f.a.n.n.y Glen, gratefully, with boundless relief in her voice.

By this time she was as close to Sempland as she could get, and entirely unconscious of what he was doing, the latter had thrown his arm protectingly around her waist.

”Wait, Miss Glen,” said the general, severely, lifting his hand and checking her further speech, ”you cannot think to escape scot free. Such actions cannot go entirely unpunished. So long as Miss f.a.n.n.y Glen exists she must suffer for her actions. You are agreed with me, gentlemen?”

”We are, sir.”

It was remarkable the unanimity with which they all supported their general's decisions on so serious a matter, and practically without deliberation.

”Captain Sempland, as a soldier, I am sure you will acquiesce in the views of your brother officers.”

Sempland bit his lip. f.a.n.n.y Glen nestled closer to him and looked up at him beseechingly.

”Oh, General!” he said at last. ”Isn't there some way out of it?”

”There may be,” said the general, solemnly. ”Let me think a moment. Suppose-ah, suppose, Miss f.a.n.n.y Glen were to disappear?”

”But where can I go, sir?” asked the girl, nervously. ”All that I love-” she observed a smile flickering upon the general's lips as she glanced at Sempland. ”I mean everybody and everything that I love is here.” She stamped her foot impatiently. ”You won't send me to the Union fleet? I know my father is safe-but I love the South. I will never do anything wrong again if you won't send me away!” she pleaded.