Part 5 (1/2)
f.a.n.n.y Glen was a picture of terror plainly apparent in spite of her valiant effort to conceal her feelings. Her agitation was so overwhelming, her anxiety so p.r.o.nounced, that even on the hypothesis of an ardent affection for Sempland, Lacy was completely at loss to account for her condition. What could it mean? But he had no time to speculate upon it. The minutes were flying by.
”Come, Miss Glen,” he said at last, ”it isn't so bad as all that.”
”But those men on the s.h.i.+p, the-the admiral! They won't have a chance for their lives. It is appalling to think of! I cannot bear it! I-”
”Let them lift the blockade then,” coolly returned the young officer; ”it is a chance of war. Don't waste your sympathy on them. Bestow it nearer at hand. Sempland starts in half an hour. Won't you see him before he goes?”
”Yes,” whispered the girl, ”if you will send him to me.”
”There is no time to lose. I will have him here in a few moments.”
As he turned away the girl stretched out her hand to him.
”You have been very good-very brave-very n.o.ble,” she faltered. ”I wish-I-I loved you more than-than I do.”
He stooped over her and kissed her bended head. She was a little woman and so appealing. He breathed a prayer over her and tore himself away.
”Thank you,” he said, ”you have rewarded me. Good-by.”
As she heard his departing footstep on the porch the poor girl threw herself down upon her knees and lifted her hands.
”The South and-and-he, mistaken, but still-ah, where is my duty? The s.h.i.+p and Rhett Sempland! I love him. I cannot let him go! It would be wicked. G.o.d pity me! But how, how to prevent it? If I can only delay him until to-morrow, I can tell the general everything, and-is there a way, is there a way, O G.o.d?”
She thought deeply, every atom in her being concentrated on the problem which tore her between love and duty, devotion to the cause of the South and those other appeals, which, finding lodgment in her heart, moved her so profoundly. She wrestled with the question as to where her duty lay as Jacob wrestled with the angel of old, and if she did not conquer, at least she decided.
Determining on a desperate course of action, she rose to her feet and sharply struck a bell by her side on the table. The house was an ancient mansion when it had been rented by her aunt and herself three years before. It dated back to Colonial times. There was a strong room in it, the windows of which were barred. It would make a safe prison for any one. He should be put in there and be kept there until morning. He would be safe there. No harm would come to the s.h.i.+p, and when the general knew, he would forgive her. She would tell him the first thing in the morning.
It would cause her lover pain and grief, this summary action of hers, but she could explain it to him, too; and he would forgive her also and she would reward him with herself! There was compensation in that, she thought proudly and tenderly.
”Caesar,” she said, as the aged butler made his appearance in response to the bell, ”send Joe and Sam and Cato to me. Boys,” she continued, as three stalwart young negroes presented themselves before her soon after, ”Mr. Sempland is coming here to-night to see me. I-he-” she found it somewhat difficult to explain. ”General Beauregard wants him detained here. I cannot let him get away. Show him into the strong room on the other side of the house when he asks for me, and then lock the door on him. Don't let him get out under any circ.u.mstances until to-morrow, but on no account are you to do him any hurt. You hear? You understand?”
”Ya-as, Miss f.a.n.n.y, I specs we does,” answered Cato, the oldest and most intelligent of the three.
”Caesar, you lead him into the strong room. Say I will meet him there in a moment. He won't suspect anything, I reckon. The rest of you stay in the pa.s.sage, and as soon as he enters lock the door upon him. Don't neglect that! He'll try to get out. He may break the door down. But you must keep him there, even if he attempts to kill you-unless I say for you to release him.”
The three slaves were devoted to their young mistress and, accepting her orders without a question, they at once began their preparations to carry them out. As they were talking together a light step sounded on the porch. There was a ring at the door. The men hurried to their places of concealment. Miss f.a.n.n.y Glen hid in the dark drawing-room, as Caesar shuffled along the hall to the front door.
”Your mistress has sent for me,” said Sempland. And from where she stood in the drawing-room, f.a.n.n.y Glen's heart leaped at the tones of his voice.
”Yas, suh,” returned the darky, obsequiously ushering him through the hall. ”Step right dis way, suh, Ma.s.s' Sempland. Miss f.a.n.n.y done axes you to go in dis room at de end ob de pa.s.sage, suh. An' she tol' me she gwine be wid you in a minute, suh.”
The room was one which Sempland had never entered before. It was small, furnished like a library or office, with several large closets and an old iron safe, and had two grated windows and one heavy mahogany door. It had formerly been used as an office and as a treasure room. Seeing the visitor safe within, Caesar calmly withdrew, and as he adroitly coughed violently in the pa.s.sage Sempland did not hear the ponderous key turning in the old-fas.h.i.+oned lock. He waited a few minutes, and then, as time was precious, he looked around for a bell. Seeing none he walked to the door, laid his hand upon the k.n.o.b, and tried to open it. It did not give.
”Locked!” he muttered in surprise.