Part 31 (1/2)
A stern chase is usually a long one. There are not many proverbs the truth of which comes more powerfully home than this--at least to those who have had the misfortune to engage in many such chases. To make a slant at a fugitive, so as to cut him off, or to make a short cut and head him, is pleasant if you be strong in wind and limb, but to creep up right astern, inch by inch, foot by foot, yard by yard, and to overcome him at last by sheer superiority and perseverance, is a disheartening task.
That was the task we undertook the night we left the Indian camp, and went off at full gallop over the rolling prairie in pursuit of the scoundrel Attick and his crew.
But Indians are by nature persevering, and, for myself, I was roused to the highest pitch of indignation and anxiety. Salamander and I had ridden far and fast that day, besides which we had eaten only a mouthful of pemmican and biscuit since breakfast; nevertheless, under the excitement of the moment our weariness vanished, our hunger fled, and we engaged in the pursuit with all the ardour of the youngest brave among them.
Fortunately I had secured two exceptionally fine horses, so that they were quite able to compete with the inferior, though fresher, horses of the Indians.
”How long is it since you discovered that they were gone?” said I, as I galloped alongside of Big Otter.
”Not more than an hour,” he replied.
”Do you think they had a long start before that?”
”I cannot tell. Perhaps two hours, perhaps four. Certainly not five, for they were seen in camp when the sun was high.”
I was greatly relieved to learn that they had not got a longer start of us, and very thankful that I had come up in time to join the pursuers.
I was calming down somewhat under the influence of these thoughts, when I had a sudden feeling of being shot from a cannon into the air. This was succeeded by a sensation of having my nose converted into a ploughshare, and that was instantly followed by oblivion!
In the uncertain light my steed had put his foot in a badger hole--that was all, but it sufficed to check the pace of the whole party!
On recovering I found my head on Salamander's knee. I felt dreamy and indifferent. ”What has happened?” I asked, in English.
Our interpreter, who had a tendency to answer in whatever language he was addressed--whether English, French, or Indian--replied--
”Yoos bin a-most busted, sar!”
Suddenly the true state of the case flashed upon me. Langour fled. I leaped up, and scrambled somehow into the saddle.
”Have I been long insensible, Salamander?” I asked, as we resumed our headlong pace.
”On'y what time I kin count twinty, sar.”
Rejoiced to find that no longer time had been lost, I galloped along contentedly, and in silence, though with a rather confused feeling in my brain, and a sensation of being possessed of six noses rolled into one.
Although no one, as I have said, seemed to lead the party when we started, I soon found that Big Otter was really our chief. He rode ahead of us, and more than once pulled up to dismount and examine the trail. On these occasions the rest of the party halted without orders, and awaited his decision. Once we were completely thrown off the scent.
The fugitives had taken to a wooded tract of country, and it required our utmost caution not to lose the trail.
Presently we came to a small stream and crossed it, but the trail ended abruptly here. We were not surprised, being well aware of the common Indian device of wading in a stream, which holds no footprints, so as to throw pursuers out. Dividing our force, one party went up stream, the other down, but although eager, sharp, and practised eyes examined the banks, they could not discover the spot where the fugitives had again taken to dry land. Returning to the place where we had divided, Big Otter again examined the trail with minute care, going down on his knees to turn over the blades of gra.s.s and examine the footprints.
”Strange,” said I, impatiently, ”that so simple a device should baffle us.”
As I spoke, the chief arose, and, dark though it was, I could see a gleam of intelligence on his swarthy visage.
”Attick thinks he is wise,” he said, in a low voice, ”but he has no more brains than a rabbit. He was from childhood an idiot.”
Having paid his tribesman this compliment, he remounted, and, to my surprise, went straight back the way we had come.