Volume Iv Part 111 (2/2)

Sir _Row._ The ten thousand Pounds, ye Rascal, in the Iron Trunk, that was to be paid Mr. _Welborn_ for _Olivia's_ Portion.


L. _Blun._ Oh my Son! my Son!--run to the Parson, _Sam_, and let him send the Church-Buckets. Oh, some help! some help!

Enter _Manage_.

_Man._ Oh, Heavens! my Lady _Mirtilla's_ Chamber's all on Flame.

Enter _Britton_.

_Geo._ Ha,--the Prince! I had forgot his Danger.

_Man._ Ah! look up, and see how it burns.

_Geo._ _Britton_, a Million for a Ladder!

_Man._ Blessing on you, Sir, if you dare venture through the House; there lies one in the Fore-Garden.

_Britt._ The Pa.s.sage is on fire, Sir, you cannot go.

_Geo._ Revenge is vanish'd, and Love takes its place: Soft Love, and mightier Friends.h.i.+p seizes all. I'll save him, though I perish in the Attempt.

[Runs out, _Britton_ after him.

Enter at another Door, Sir _Rowland_.

L. _Blun._ A thousand Pound for him that saves Sir _Morgan_!

Sir _Row._ And, do ye hear, let my Rogue lie; I'd rather he should be burnt, than hang'd on _Tyburn_ Road, for murdering his Father.--But where's Boy _George_?

Enter Men with Trunks.

_Rog._ Safe, Sir, I hope; he was not in the House.

Sir _Row._ So, so, away with these Trunks to my Lady _Youthly's_ in _Southampton_-Square, and tell her we must trouble her to night. Come, Sister, let's away.

[Ex. Lady _Blunder_, and Sir _Rowland_.

Prince _Frederick_ and _Mirtilla_, appear at the Window, the Flame behind 'em.

_Prince._ Help, help, and save _Mirtilla_! Ask any Price, my Life, my Fortune! All!

_Mir._ Oh, Heav'ns, the Flame pursues us as we fly.

_Prince._ No help! Oh G.o.ds, I shall prevent the Flame, and perish by my Fears to see you die!

_Mir._ Alas! Sir, you with ease may save your Life! This Window you may leap, but I want Courage.
