Volume Iv Part 54 (1/2)

_Cur._ Yes, Friend, thou hadst one.

_Guil._ Yes, Friend, thou hadst one.

_Cur._ Dog, do'st eccho me? do'st thou repeat?

I say again, what is thy Name? [Shakes him.

_Guil._ Oh horrible!--why, Sir, it was _Guilliam_ When I was a silly Swain.

_Cur._ _Guilliam_--the same; Didst thou not know a Maid whose name was _Cloris_?

_Guil._ Yes, there was such a Maid, But now she's none!

_Cur._ Was such a Maid, but now she's none!

--The Slave upbraids my Griefs. [Aside.

_Guil._ Yes, Sir, so I said.

_Cur._ So you said!

_Guil._ Why, yes, Sir, what, do you repeat?

_Cur._ What mean you, Sirrah? have you a mind to Have your Throat cut? tell me where she is.

_Guil._ I dare as well be hang'd.

Now must I devise a lye, or never look _Cloris_ In the Face more. [Aside.

_Cur._ Here's Gold for thee; I will be secret too.

_Guil._ Oh, Sir, the poor Maid you speak of is dead.

_Cur._ Dead! where dy'd she? and how?

_Guil._ Now am I put to my wits; this 'tis to begin In Sin, as our Curate said: I must go on: [Aside.

--Why, Sir, she came into the Wood--and hard by a River-side--she sigh'd, and she wept full sore; And cry'd two or three times out upon _Curtius_, --And--then-- [Howls.

_Cur._ Poor _Cloris_, thy Fate was too severe.

_Guil._ And then as I was saying, Sir, She leapt into the River, and swam up the Stream. [_Cur._ weeps.

_Piet._ And why up the Stream, Friend?

_Guil._ Because she was a Woman--and that's all. [Ex. _Guil._

_Cur._ Farewel, and thank thee.

--Poor _Cloris_ dead, and banish'd too from _Laura_!

Was ever wretched Lover's Fate like mine!

--And he who injures me, has power to do so; --But why, where lies this Power about this Man?

Is it his Charms of Beauty, or of Wit?