Volume Iv Part 41 (1/2)
_Ism._ So we have heard enough.
[Ex. _Clar._ and _Ism._
_Ant._ Oh, were _Clarina_ chaste, as on my Soul I cannot doubt, more than that I believe All Womankind may be seduc'd from Virtue; I were the Man of all the World most bless'd In such a Wife, and such a Friend as thou.
_Alb._ But what if I prevail, _Antonio_?
_Ant._ Then I'll renounce my faith in Womankind, And place my satisfaction in thy Amity.
--But see, she comes, I'll leave you to your task.
Enter _Ismena_ and _Isabella_.
_Ism._ Antonio not yet gone-- This must secure me. [Pulls down her Veil.
_Ant._ _Clarina_, why thus clouded?
_Isab._ I see he has most happily mistaken.
_Ism._ I was going, Sir, to visit _Laura_--
_Ant._ You must not go, I've business to the Duke, And you must entertain my Friend till my return; It is a freedom not usual here amongst Ladies, But I will have it so; Whom I esteem, I'll have you do so too.
_Ism._ Sir, I am all obedience.
[Exit _Antonio_, she pulls off her Veil; _Alberto_ salutes her with seeming lowness.
_Alb._ Oh, how my Soul's divided Between my Adoration and my Amity! [Aside.
Friends.h.i.+p, thou sacred band, hold fast thy Interest; For yonder Beauty has a subtle power, And can undo that knot, which other Arts Could ne'er invent a way for.
Enter _Antonio_, and listens at the Door.
_Ant._ I'll see a little how he behaves himself. [Aside.
_Alb._ But she's _Antonio's_ Wife; my Friend _Antonio_. [Aside.
A Youth that made an Interest in my Soul, When I had Language scarce to express my sense of it.
_Ant._ Death! he speaks not to her. [Aside.
_Alb._ So grew we up to Man, and still more fixt; And shall a gaudy Beauty, A thing which t'other day I never saw, Deprive my Heart of that kind Heat, And place a new and unknown Fire within? [Aside.
_Clarina_, 'tis unjust.
_Ism._ Sir, did you speak to me?
_Alb._ I have betray'd my self-- [Aside.
Madam, I was saying how unjust it was _Antonio_ should leave me alone with a Lady, Being certainly the worst to entertain them in the World.
_Ant._ His Face a.s.sures me he speaks of no Love to her now.
_Ism._ Alas, he speaks not to me.
Sure _Isabella_ was mistaken, who told me that he lov'd me.
--_Alberto_, if thou art oblig'd to me, [Aside.
For what I have not yet observ'd in thee, Oh, do not say my Heart was easily won, But blame your Eyes, whose forces none can shun.