Volume Iv Part 4 (2/2)
Enter _Page_.
_Pag._ Sir, my Lady desires to speak with you. [To _Lean._
_Lean._ I'll wait on her,--a Devil on't.--
_Pag._ I have command to bring you, Sir, instantly.
_Lean._ This is ill luck, Madam, I cannot see the Farce out; I'll wait on you as soon as my good Fortune will permit me.
[Exit with _Page_.
_Luc._ He's going to my Mother, dear _Isabella_, let's go and hinder their Discourse: Farewel, Sir Amba.s.sador, pray remember us to _Psyche_, not forgetting the little blind Archer, ha, ha, ha.--
[Ex. _Lucr._ and _Isab._ laughing.
Sir _Cred._ So, I have undone all, they are both gone, flown I protest; why, what a Devil ail'd em? Now have I been dumb all this while to no purpose, you too never told her my meaning right; as I hope to breathe, had any but yourself done this, I should have sworn by _Helicon_ and all the rest of the Devils, you had had a design to have abus'd me, and cheated me of all my Moveables too.
_Lod._ What a hopeful Project was here defeated by my mistake! but courage, Sir _Credulous_, I'll put you in a way shall fetch all about again.
Sir _Cred._ Say you so? ah, dear _Lodwick_, let me hear it.
_Lod._ Why, you shall this Night give your Mistress a Serenade.
Sir _Cred._ How! a Serenade!
_Lod._ Yes, but it must be perform'd after an Extravagant manner, none of your dull amorous Night-walking Noises so familiar in this Town; _Lucretia_ loves nothing but what's great and extravagant, and pa.s.ses the reach of vulgar practice.
Sir _Cred._ What think you of a silent Serenade? Zoz, say but the word and it shall be done, Man, let me alone for Frolicks, i'faith.
_Lod._ A silent one! no, that's to wear a good humour to the Stumps; I wou'd have this want for no Noise; the extremes of these two Addresses will set off one another.
Sir _Cred._ Say you so? what think you then of the Bagpipe, Tongs, and Gridiron, Cat-calls, and loud-sounding Cymbals?
_Lod._ Naught, naught, and of known use; you might as well treat her with Viols and Flute-doux, which were enough to disoblige her for ever.
Sir _Cred._ Why, what think you then of the King of _Bantam's_ own Musick.
_Lod._ How! the King of _Bantam's_ Musick?
Sir _Cred._ Ay, Sir, the King of _Bantam's_: a Friend of mine had a Present sent him from thence, a most unheard of curiosity I'll a.s.sure you.
_Lod._ That, that by all means, Sir.
Sir _Cred._ Well, I'll go borrow 'em presently.
_Lod._ You must provide your self of a Song.
Sir _Cred._ A Song! hang't, 'tis but rummaging the Play-Books, stealing thence is lawful Prize--Well, Sir, your Servant.