Volume Iii Part 136 (1/2)

p. 15, l. 11 _you speak well_. 1724 omits 'well'.

p. 15, l. 20 _Mrs. Celinda Dresswell_. Following 4to 1677 and 1724 I have retained the name Dresswell although it should obviously be Friendlove. In the first draft Friendlove was called Dresswell, and in altering the nomenclature of the character Mrs. Behn forgot to make the change here. The same slip occurs in this same scene (p. 20, l. 23) when Friendlove is alluded to as Dresswell.

p. 16, l. 2 _help_. 1724 'help'd'.

p. 16, l. 30 _me to_. 1724 omits 'to'.

p. 17, l. 9 _and Allurements_. 1724 omits 'and'.

p. 19, l. 29 _beholding_. 1724 'beholden'.

p. 19, l. 31 _belong'd_. 1724 'belongs'.

p. 20, l. 6 _Murder_. 4to 1677 has here the marginal stage direction '[A Letter', to remind the prompter to have that property ready for the immediate entry of Friendlove.

p. 22, l. 4 _Exit Sir Tim_. 4to 1677 has 'Ex.' after 'Celinda.' 1724 'Exit' after 'Southampton House.'

p. 22, l. 6 _Exeunt_. I have supplied this stage direction. 4to 1677 has 'The End of the First Act.'

p. 22, l. 8 _A Palace_. I have left this quaint locale untouched although the scene is merely an antechamber in Friendlove's house, and can have been no more than a drop cloth.

p. 22, l. 27 _Scene II_. This Scene is not numbered in the previous editions but considered as Scene I with the former.

p. 24, l. 10 _To-morrow_. 1724 as prose. I follow metrical arrangement of 4to.

p. 26, l. 12 _impose_. 4to 1677 'imposes'.

P. 27, l. 15 _Scene III. Sir Timothy's House_. I have supplied the locale. In all former editions Scenes I and II being counted as one this is numbered Scene II.

p. 27, l. 16 _and Boy_. I have added the entrance of the Boy.

p. 28, l. 12 _that I am_. 4to 1677 omits 'that'.

p. 28, l. 28 _--and where--and where_. 1724 reads '--and where--' once.

p. 29, l. 25 _Fortunes_. 1724 'Fortune'.

p. 30, l. 32 _Exeunt_. 4to 1677 'Ex.' 1724 'Exit.'

p. 30, l. 33 _Scene IV. Lord Plotwell's House_. I have added the locale.

The former editions, regarding Scenes I and II of this act as one, read 'Scene III.'

p. 34, l. 21 _nor one_. 1677 'nor none'.

p. 37, l. 14 _Scene V_. 'Scene IV' in former editions.

p. 39, l. 34 _Exeunt_. Not in former editions. 4to 1677 has 'The End of the Second Act.'

p. 40, l. 2 _A Room in Lord Plotwell's House_. All former editions mark the locale as 'The Street.' But this is obviously wrong from the sitting, dancing and whole business of the scene.