Volume Iii Part 130 (1/2)
_Scar_. Why, Sir, a Water impregnated to a Circulation with _prima Materia_; upon my Honour, Sir, the strongest I ever drank of.
_Doct_. How, Sir! did you drink of it?
_Scar_. I only speak the words of _Garamanteen_, Sir.
--Pox on him, I shall be trapt. [_Aside_.
_Doct_. Cry Mercy, Sir.-- [_Bows_.
_Scar_. The Lunary Physicians, Sir, call it _Urinam Vulcani_, it calybeates every ones Excrements more or less according to the Gradus of the natural Calor.--To my Knowledge, Sir, a Smith of a very fiery Const.i.tution is grown very opulent by drinking these Waters.
_Doct_. How, Sir, grown rich by drinking the Waters, and to your Knowledge?
_Scar_. The Devil's in my Tongue. To my Knowledge, Sir; for what a Man of Honour relates, I may safely affirm.
_Doct_. Excuse me, Seignior-- [_Puts off his Hat again gravely_.
_Scar_. For, Sir, conceive me how he grew rich! since he drank those Waters he never buys any Iron, but hammers it out of _Stercus Proprius_.
_Enter_ Bellemante _with a Billet_.
_Bell_. Sir, 'tis three a Clock, and Dinner will be cold.
[_Goes behind_ Scaramouch, _and gives him the Note and goes out_.
_Doct_. I come, Sweet-heart; but this is wonderful.
_Scar_. Ay, Sir, and if at any time Nature be too infirm, and he prove Costive, he has no more to do, but apply a Load-stone _ad Anum_.
_Doct_. Is't possible?
_Scar_. Most true, Sir, and that facilitates the Journey _per Viscera_.
--But I detain you, Sir;--another time, Sir,--I will now only beg the Honour of a Word or two with the Governante, before I go.
_Doct_. Sir, she shall wait on you, and I shall be proud of the Honour of your Conversation.
[_Ex_. Doctor.
_Enter to him_ Harlequin, _dress'd like a Farmer, as before_.
_Har_. Hum--What have we here, a Taylor or a Tumbler?
_Scar_. Ha--Who's this?--Hum--What if it shou'd be the Farmer that the Doctor has promis'd _Mopsophil_ to? My Heart misgives me.
[_They look at each other a while_.
Who wou'd you speak with, Friend?
_Har_. This is, perhaps, my Rival the Apothecary.--Speak with, Sir! why, what's that to you?
_Scar_. Have you Affairs with Seignor Doctor, Sir?