Volume Iii Part 122 (1/2)

_Cin_. You may inform your self I believe, for these close Intrigues cannot be carried on without your Knowledge.

_Scar_. What Intrigues, Sir? be quick, for I'm in haste.

_Cin_. Who was the Lover I surpriz'd i'th' Closet?

_Scar. Deceptio visus_, Sir; the Error of the Eyes.

_Cin_. Thou Dog, I felt him too; but since the Rascal 'scaped me, I'll be reveng'd on thee.

[_Goes to beat him; he running away, runs against_ Harlequin, _who is entering with_ Charmante, _and like to have thrown 'em both down_.

_Char_. Ha,--What's the matter here?

_Scar_. Seignior Don _Charmante_.

[_Then he struts courageously in with 'em_.

_Char_. What, _Cinthio_ in a Rage!

Who's the unlucky Object?

_Cin_. All Man and Woman Kind: _Elaria's_ false.

_Char. Elaria_ false! take heed, sure her nice Virtue Is proof against the Vices of her s.e.x.

Say rather _Bellemante_, She who by Nature's light and wavering.

The Town contains not such a false Impertinent.

This Evening I surpriz'd her in her Chamber, Writing of Verses, and between her Lines Some Spark had newly pen'd his proper Stuff.

Curse of the Jilt, I'll be her Fool no more.

_Har_. I doubt you are mistaken in that, Sir, for 'twas I was the Spark that writ the proper Stuff To do you service.

_Char_. Thou!

_Scar_. Ay, we that spend our Lives and Fortunes here to serve you,--to be us'd like Pimps and Scoundrels. Come, Sir, satisfy him who 'twas was hid i'th' Closet, when he came in and found you.

_Cin_. Ha,--is't possible? Was it _Charmante_?

_Char_. Was it you, _Cinthio_? Pox on't, what Fools are we, we cou'd not know one another by Instinct?

_Scar_. Well, well, dispute no more this clear Case, but let's hasten to your Mistresses.

_Cin_. I'm asham'd to appear before _Elaria_.

_Char_. And I to _Bellemante_.

_Scar_. Come, come, take Heart of Grace; pull your Hats down over your Eyes; put your Arms across; sigh and look scurvily; your simple Looks are ever a Token of Repentance: come--come along.

[_Exeunt Omnes_.