Volume Iii Part 120 (1/2)
_Har_. The Ghost of a poor Lover, dwindled into a Heyho.
[_He rises from under the Table, and falls at her Feet_.
Scaramouch _enters. She runs off squeaking_.
_Scar_. Ha, My Rival and my Mistress!--Is this done like a Man of Honour, Monsieur _Harlequin_, to take advantages to injure me? [_Draws_.
_Har_. Advantages are lawful in Love and War.
_Scar_. 'Twas contrary to our League and Covenant; therefore I defy thee as a Traytor.
_Har_. I scorn to fight with thee, because I once call'd thee Brother.
_Scar_. Then thou art a Poltroon, that's to say, a Coward.
_Har_. Coward! nay, then I am provok'd, come on.
_Scar_. Pardon me, Sir, I gave the Coward, and you ought to strike.
[_They go to fight ridiculously, and ever as_ Scaramouch _pa.s.ses_, Harlequin _leaps aside, and skips so nimbly about, he cannot touch him for his Life; which after a while endeavouring in vain, he lays down his Sword_.
--If you be for dancing, Sir, I have my Weapons for all occasions.
[Scar. _pulls out a Flute Doux, and falls to playing_. Har.
_throws down his, and falls a dancing; after the Dance, they shake hands_.
_Har_. _Ha mon bon ami_.--Is not this better than duelling?
_Scar_. But not altogether so heroick, Sir. Well, for the future, let us have fair play; no Tricks to undermine each other, but which of us is chosen to be the happy Man, the other shall be content.
_Ela_. [_Within_.] Cousin _Bellemante_, Cousin.
_Scar_. 'Slife, let's be gone, lest we be seen in the Ladies Apartment.
[Scar. _slips_ Harlequin _behind the Door_.
_Enter_ Elaria.
_Ela_. How now, how came you here?--
_Scar_. [_Signs to_ Har. _to go out_.] I came to tell you, Madam, my Master's just taking Mule to go his Journey to Night, and that Don _Cinthio_ is in the Street, for a lucky moment to enter in.
_Ela_. But what if any one by my Father's Order, or he himself should by some chance surprize us?
_Scar_. If we be, I have taken order against a Discovery. I'll go see if the old Gentleman be gone, and return with your Lover.
[_Goes out_.
_Ela_. I tremble, but know not whether 'tis with Fear or Joy.
_Enter_ Cinthio.
_Cin_. My dear _Elaria_-- [_Runs to imbrace her, She starts from him_.
--Ha,--shun my Arms, _Elaria_!
_Ela_. Heavens! Why did you come so soon?