Volume Iii Part 106 (1/2)

_Org_. Remember, Sir, _Erminia_ was my Daughter.

_Gal_. And, Sir, remember that I am your Daughter.

_Org_. And shall the Traitor live that murder'd her?

_Gal_. And will you by his Death, Sir, murder me?

In dear _Erminia's_ Death too much is done; If you revenge that Death, 'tis two for one.

_Org_. Ah, Sir, to let him live's unjust in you.

_Gal_. And killing me, you more injustice do.

_Org. Alcippus_, Madam, merits not your Love, That could so cruel to _Erminia_ prove.

_Gal_. If Lovers could be rul'd by Reason's Laws, For this complaint on him we'ad had no cause.

'Twas Love that made him this rash act commit; Had she been kind, 't had taught him to submit.

--But might it not your present Griefs augment, I'd say that you deserve this punishment, By forcing her to marry with the General; By which you have destroy'd _Philander_ too, And now you would _Alcippus'_ Life undo.

_Org_. That was a fault of duty to your Majesty.

_King_. Though that were honest, 'twere not wisely done; For had I known the pa.s.sion of my Son, And how essential 'twas to his content I willingly had granted my consent; Her Worth and Beauty had sufficient been T'ave rais'd her to the t.i.tle of a Queen.

Did not my glorious Father, great _Gonzal_, Marry the Daughter of his Admiral?

And I might to my Son have been as kind, As then my Father did my Grandsire find.

_Org_. You once believ'd that I had guilty been, And had the Punishment, but not the Sin; I suffer'd when 'twas thought I did aspire, And should by this have rais'd my crimes yet higher.

_King_. How did _Philander_ take _Erminia's_ death?

_Gal_. My own surprize and grief was so extream, I know not what effects it had in him; But this account of him, I'm forc'd to give, Since she is dead, I know he cannot live.

_King_. I'll know _Philander's_ fate e'er I proceed; And if he die, _Alcippus_ too shall bleed.


SCENE VIII. _The Gallery_.

_Enter_ Falatius _and_ Labree.

_Fal_. Wert thou never valiant, _Labree_?

_Lab_. Yes, Sir, before I serv'd you, and since too: I Am provok'd to give you proofs on't sometimes; For when I am angry I am a very Hector.

_Fal_. Ay, the Devil when a body's angry, but that's Not the Valour in mode; Men fight now a-days Without that, and even embrace whilst they draw Their Swords on one another.

_Lab_. Ay, Sir, those are Men that despise their lives.

_Fal_. Why, that's it, _Labree_, that I would learn to do, And which I fear, nothing but Poverty will make me do; _Jove_ defend me from that experiment.