Volume Iii Part 95 (1/2)
_Page_. My Lord, is't you are fallen?
Help, Murder! Murder!
_Pis_. Hold, bawling Dog.
_Enter_ Alcippus _in a Night-gown, with a Sword in his hand, a_ Page _with Lights_.
_Alcip_. 'Twas hereabouts--who's this, _Pisaro_ wounded?
[_He looks up_.
How cam'st thou thus? Come up into my Arms.
_Pis_. 'Twas Jealousy, _Alcippus_, that wild Monster, Who never leaves us till he has thus betray'd us.
--Pox on't, I am asham'd to look upon thee.
I have disturb'd you to no purpose, Sir.
I am not wounded, go to bed again.
_Alcan_. I'll see thee to thy Lodgings first, _Pisaro_.
_Pis_. 'Twill be unkind both to your self and me.
SCENE VII. The Court Gallery.
_Enter_ Philander _and_ Alcander _with a Light_.
_Alcan_. He's gone, whoe'er he be.
_Phi_. It could not be _Alcippus_.
_Alcan_. I rather fear _Pisaro_, --But we soon enough shall know: Who's this?
_Enter_ Erminia _in her Night-gown, and_ lsillia _with Lights_.
_Er_. Methought I heard _Alcippus_ and the Prince Before the cry of Murder.
I die if those two Rivals have encounter'd.
_Phi_. Ah, Madam, cease that fear, they both are safe From all but from the Wounds which you have given them.
_Er_. Oh G.o.ds, what make you here! and where's _Alcippus_?
_Phi_. Where I had been had Heaven been bountiful.
_Er_. Alas, Sir, what do you mean? what have you done?
And where have you bestow'd him?
_Phi_. Why all this high concern, _Erminia_?
Has he so reconcil'd you to him since I saw you last?