Volume Iii Part 90 (2/2)

_Gal_. Dear Brother, you out-run your Patience still, We'll neither die our selves, nor others kill; Something I'll do that shall thy joys restore, And bring thee back that health thou had'st before; --We're now expected at the Banquet, where I'd have thy Eyes more Love than Anger wear: This night be cheerful, and on me depend, On me, that am thy Sister, and thy Friend: A little raise _Alcippus'_ Jealousy And let the rest be carried on by me; Nor would it be amiss should you provide A Serenade to entertain the Bride: 'Twill give him Fears that may perhaps disprove The fond opinion of his happy Love.

_Phi_. Though Hope be faithless, yet I cannot chuse, Coming from thee, but credit the abuse.

_Gal. Philander_, do not your Hope's power distrust, 'Tis time enough to die, when that's unjust.


SCENE II. _The Court Gallery_.

_Enter_ Aminta _as pa.s.sing over the Stage, is stayed by_ Olinda.

_Oli_. Why so hasty, _Aminta_?

_Am_. The time requires it, _Olinda_.

_Oli_. But I have an humble suit to you.

_Am_. You shall command me any thing.

_Oli_. Pray Heaven you keep your word.

_Am_. That sad tone of thine, _Olinda_, has almost Made me repent of my promise; but come, what is't?

_Oli_. My Brother, Madam.

_Am_. Now fie upon thee, is that all thy business?

[_Offers to go off_.

_Oli_. Stay, Madam, he dies for you.

_Am_. He cannot do't for any Woman living; But well--it seems he speaks of Love to you; To me he does appear a very Statue.

_Oli_. He nought but sighs and calls upon your name, And vows you are the cruell'st Maid that breathes.

_Am_. Thou can'st not be in earnest sure.

_Oli_. I'll swear I am, and so is he.

_Am_. Nay, thou hast a hard task on't, to make Vows to all the Women he makes love to; Indeed I pity thee; ha, ha, ha.

_Oli_. You should not laugh at those you have undone.

Aminta _sings_.

_Hang Love, for I will never pine For any Man alive; Nor shall this jolly Heart of mine The thoughts of it receive; I will not purchase Slavery At such a dangerous rate; But glory in my Liberty, And laugh at Love and Fate_.

_Oli_. You'll kill him by this cruelty.

_Am_. What is't thou call'st so?

For I have hitherto given no denials, Nor has he given me cause; I have seen him wildly gaze upon me often, And sometimes blush and smile, but seldom that; And now and then found fault with my replies, And wonder'd where the Devil lay that wit, Which he believ'd no Judge of it could find.
