Volume Iii Part 87 (2/2)

_Lab_. You had a Mistress once, if you have not Forgotten her, who would have taken you with All these faults.

_Fal_. There was so; but she was poor, that's the Devil, I could have lov'd her else.

--But go thy ways; what dost thou muse on?

_Lab_. Faith, Sir, I am only fearful you will never Pa.s.s with those Patches you speak of.

_Fal_. Thou never-to-be-reclaim'd a.s.s, shall I never Bring thee to apprehend as thou ought'st? I tell thee, I will pa.s.s and repa.s.s, where and how I please; Know'st thou not the difference yet, between a Man Of Money and t.i.tles, and a Man of only Parts, As they call them? poor Devils of no Mein nor Garb: Well, 'tis a fine and frugal thing, this Honour, It covers a mult.i.tude of Faults: Even Ridicule in one of us is a-la-mode.

But I detain thee; go haste to _Aminta_.

[_Exeunt severally_.

SCENE II. Galatea's _Apartments_.

_Enter_ Galatea, Aminta, _and_ Olinda.

_Gal_. Will _Erminia_ come?

_Oli_. Madam, I thought she'd been already here.

_Gal_. But prithee how does she support this news?

_Oli_. Madam, as those unreconciled to Heaven Would bear the pangs of death.

_Am_. Time will convince her of that foolish error, Of thinking a brisk young Husband a torment.

_Gal_. What young Husband?

_Am_. The General, Madam.

_Gal_. Why, dost thou think she will consent to it?

_Am_. Madam, I cannot tell, the World's inconstant.

_Gal_. Ay, _Aminta_, in every thing but Love; And sure they cannot be in that: What say'st thou, _Olinda_?

_Oli_. Madam, my Judgment's naught.

Love I have treated as a stranger Guest, Receiv'd him well, not lodg'd him in my Breast.

I ne'er durst give the unknown Tyrant room; Lest he should make his resting place his home.

_Gal_. Then thou art happy; but if _Erminia_ fail, I shall not live to reproach her.

_Am_. Nay, Madam, do not think of dying yet: There is a way, if we could think of it.

_Gal. Aminta_, when will thou this Humour lose?

_Am_. Faith, never, if I might my Humour chuse.
