Volume Iii Part 85 (1/2)
King, Mr. _Westwood_.
_Philander_, his Son, betrothed to _Erminia_, Mr. _Smith_.
_Alcippus_, Favourite, in love with _Erminia_, Mr. _Betterton_.
_Orgulius_, late General, Father to _Erminia_, Mr. _Norris_.
_Alcander_, Friend to the Prince, in love with _Aminta_, Mr. _Young_.
_Pisaro_, Friend to the young General _Alcippus_, Mr. _Cademan_.
_Falatius_, a fantastick Courtier, Mr. _Angel_.
_Labree_, his Man.
_Cleontius_, Servant to the Prince, and Brother Mr. _Crosby_.
to _Isillia_, Page to _Pisaro_.
_Galatea_, Daughter to the King, Mrs. _Jennings_.
_Erminia_, Daughter to _Orgulius_, espous'd to the Mrs. _Betterton_.
Prince, _Aminta_, Sister to _Pisaro_, in love with _Alcander_, Mrs. _Wright_.
_Olinda_, Sister to _Alcander_, Maid of Honour to Mrs. _Lee_.
the Princess, _Isillia_, Sister to _Cleontius_, Woman to _Erminia_, Mrs. _Clough_.
_Lysette_, Woman to _Aminta_.
Clergy, Officers, Pages and Attendants.
_Scene within the Court of_ FRANCE.
SCENE I. _The Palace_.
_Enter_ King, Philander, Orgulius, Alcippus, Alcander, Pisaro, Cleontius, Falatius; _and Officers_.
_King_. How shall I now divide my Grat.i.tude, Between a Son, and one that has oblig'd me, Beyond the common duty of a Subject?
_Phil_. Believe me, Sir, he merits all your Bounty, I only took example by his Actions; And all the part o'th' Victory which I gain'd, Was but deriv'd from him.
_King_. Brave Youth, whose Infant years did bring us Conquests; And as thou grew'st to Man, thou grew'st in Glory, And hast arriv'd to such a pitch of it, As all the slothful Youth that shall succeed thee, Shall meet reproaches of thy early Actions: When Men shall say, thus did the brave _Alcippus_; And that great Name shall every Soul inspire With Emulation to arrive at something, That's worthy of Example.
_Alcip_. I must confess I had the honour, Sir, To lead on twenty thousand fighting Men, Whom Fortune gave the Glory of the Day to.
I only bid them fight, and they obey'd me; But 'twas my Prince that taught them how to do so.
_King_. I do believe _Philander_ wants no courage; But what he did was to preserve his own.
But thine the pure effects of highest Valour; For which, if ought below my Crown can recompense, Name it, and take it, as the price of it.
_Alcip_. The Duty which we pay your Majesty, Ought to be such, as what we pay the G.o.ds; Which always bears its Recompence about it.
_King_. Yet suffer me to make thee some return, Though not for thee, yet to incourage Bravery.