Volume Iii Part 63 (1/2)
_Let_. Alas, I heard, my _Bellmour_, thou wert dead.
_Bel_. And was it thus you mourn'd my Funeral?
_Let_. I will not justify my hated Crime: But Oh! remember I was poor and helpless, And much reduc'd, and much impos'd upon.
[Bellmour _weeps_.
_Bel_. And Want compell'd thee to this wretched Marriage--did it?
_Let_. 'Tis not a Marriage, since my _Bellmour_ lives; The Consummation were Adultery.
I was thy Wife before, wo't thou deny me?
_Bel_. No, by those Powers that heard our mutual Vows, Those Vows that tie us faster than dull Priests.
_Let_. But oh my _Bellmour_, thy sad Circ.u.mstances Permit thee not to make a publick Claim: Thou art proscribed, and diest if thou art seen.
_Bel_. Alas!
_Let_. Yet I wou'd wander with thee o'er the World, And share thy humblest Fortune with thy Love.
_Bel_. Is't possible, _Leticia_, thou wou'dst fly To foreign Sh.o.r.es with me?
_Let_. Can _Bellmour_ doubt the Soul he knows so well?
_Bel_. Perhaps in time the King may find my Innocence, and may extend his Mercy: Mean time I'll make provision for our Flight.
_Let_. But how 'twixt this and that can I defend My self from the loath'd Arms of an impatient Dotard, That I may come a spotless Maid to thee?
_Bel_. Thy native Modesty and my Industry Shall well enough secure us.
Feign your nice Virgin-Cautions all the day; Then trust at night to my Conduct to preserve thee.
--And wilt thou yet be mine? Oh, swear a-new, Give me again thy Faith, thy Vows, thy Soul; For mine's so sick with this Day's fatal Business, It needs a Cordial of that mighty strength; Swear--swear, so as if thou break'st-- Thou mayst be--any thing--but d.a.m.n'd, _Leticia_.
_Let_. Thus then, and hear me, Heaven! [_Kneels_.
_Bel_. And thus--I'll listen to thee. [_Kneels_.
_Enter Sir_ Feeble, _L_. Fulbank, _Sir_ Cautious.
Sir _Feeb_. _Lette, Lette, Lette_, where are you, little Rogue, _Lette_?
--Hah--hum--what's here--
_Bel_. s.n.a.t.c.hes her to his Bosom, as if she fainted.
_Bel_. Oh Heavens, she's gone, she's gone!
Sir _Feeb_. Gone--whither is she gone?--it seems she had the Wit to take good Company with her--
[_The Women go to her, take her up_.