Volume Iii Part 45 (2/2)
_Fran_. An't like your Majesty, our Gentlemen never get but twice in all their lives; that is, when Fathers die, they get good Estates; and when they marry, they get rich Wives: but I know what your Mightiness wou'd get by going into my Country and asking the Question.
_Guz_. What, Fool?
_Fran_. A good Cudgelling, an't please your Ill.u.s.triousness.
_Guz_. Slave! To my Face!--Take him away, and let him have the Strapado.
_Car_. _Baridama, Dermack_.
_Fran_. Heavens, what says he?
_I Turk_. He means to have you castrated.
_Fran_. Castrated! Oh, that's some dreadful thing, I'll warrant,-- Gracious Great Turk, for Mahomet's sake, excuse me; alas, I've lost my wits.
_Car_. _Galero Gardines_?
_Guz_. The Emperor asks if thou art married, Fellow.
_Fran_. Hah--Married--I was, an't like your Monsterousness, but, I doubt, your People have spoiled my Property.
_Guz_. His Wife, with other Ladies, in a Pavillion in the Garden, attend your Royal pleasure.
_Car_. Go, fetch her hither presently.
[_Ex_. Guz.
1st _Turk_. This is no common Honour, that the Great Turk deigns to speak your Language; 'tis to sign you'll rise.
_Fran_. Yes, by the height of a pair of Horns.
_Car_. Is she handsom?
_Fran_. Oh, what an Ague shakes my Heart,--handsom! alas, no, dread Sir; what shou'd such a deform'd Polecat as I do with a handsom Wife?
_Car_. Is she young?
_Fran_. Young, what shou'd such an old doting c.o.xcomb as I do with a young Wife? Pox on him for a Heathen Wh.o.r.emaster.
_Car_. Old is she then?
_Fran_. Ay, very old, an't please your Gloriousness.
_Car_. Is she not capable of Love?
_Fran_. Hum, so, so,--like Fire conceal'd in a Tinderbox,--I shall run mad.