Volume Iii Part 35 (1/2)
_Jul_. All that the kindest Mistress can bestow, If _Carlos_ loves, and still will keep his Vows.
_Car_. _Julia_, my Life, my Soul, what happy Stars Conspir'd to give me this dear lucky minute?
_Jul_. Those that conducted old _Francisco_ out, And will too soon return him back again; I dare not stay to hear thy love or chiding, Both which have power to charm, since both proceed From a kind heart, that's mine.
_Car_. Oh, take not this dear Body from my Arms, For if you do, my Soul will follow it.
_Jul_. What would'st thou have me do?
_Car_. Be wondrous kind, be lavish of thy Heart, Be generous in thy Love, and give me all.
_Jul_. Oh Heavens! what mean you? I shall die with fear.
_Car_. Fear! let coward Lovers fear, who love by halves, We that intirely love are bold in Pa.s.sion, Like Soldiers fir'd with glory dread no Danger.
_Jul_. But should we be unthrifty in our Loves, And for one Moment's joy give all away, And be hereafter d.a.m.n'd to pine at distance?
_Car_. Mistaken Miser, Love like Money put Into good hands increases every day, Still as you trust me, still the Sum amounts: Put me not off with promise of to morrow, To morrow will take care for new delights, Why shou'd that rob us of a present one?
_Jul_. Ah, _Carlos_! How fondly do I listen to thy words, And fain would chide, and fain wou'd boast my Virtue, But mightier Love laughs at those poor delays; And I should doubtless give you all your _Julia_, Did not my fear prevent my kinder business; --And should _Francisco_ come and find me absent, Or take thee with me, we were lost, my _Carlos_.
_Car_. When then, my _Julia_, shall we meet again?
_Jul_. You _Spaniards_ are a jealous Nation, But in this _English Spaniard_ Old _Francisco_, That mad Pa.s.sion's doubled; wholly deprives him of his Sense, and turns his Nature Brute; wou'd he but trust me only with my Woman, I wou'd contrive some way to see my _Carlos_.
_Car_. 'Tis certain, _Julia_, that thou must be mine.
_Jul_. Or I must die, my _Carlos_.
[Ant. _listning advances_.
_Ant_.--I'm sure 'tis _Carlos's_ voice, and with a Woman; And though he be my Rival but in Jest, I have a natural curiosity to see who 'tis he entertains.
_Jul_. Oh Heavens! Sir, here's _Francisco_; step aside, Lest mischief shou'd befall you.
[_Runs in_.
_Car_. Now Love and wild Desire prompt me to kill this happy Rival,-- he's old, and can't be long in his Arrears to Nature.--What if I paid the debt? [_Draws halfway_. One single push wou'd do't, and _Julia's_ mine;--but, hang't, Adultery is a less sin than Murder, and I will wait my Fortune.--
_Ant_. Where are you,--Don _Carlos_?
_Car_. Who's there, _Antonio_? I took thee for my Rival, and ten to one but I had done thy business.
_Ant_. I heard ye talking and believ'd you safe, and came in hopes to get a little time to speak to _Clara_ in;--hah!--_Jacinta_--
_Jac_. Who's there, _Antonio_?
[_Peeping out of the door_.
_Ant_. The same; may I not speak with _Clara_?
_Jac_. Come in, she's here.--