Volume Iii Part 26 (1/2)
_Dia_. Yes, that _Diana_, Whom, maugre all the Penitence thou shew'st, Can scarce forgive the Injuries thou hast done her.
_Bel_. I shew a Penitence for injuring thee!
By Heav'n, I never cou'd do one, or other; All that I am is the divine _Celinda's_.
_Friend_. He's stark mad! [_Aside_.
_Bel_. But since she cannot pardon, I can die.
[_Offers to fall on his Sword_.
_Cel_. Canst thou not credit me? She pardons thee.
Live--and enjoy--_Diana_.
[_Turns her Face from him_.
_Bel_. What art thou, who know'st her Heart so well?
Art thou my Rival? the blessed Youth, to whom She has given her Vows?--Live, and enjoy, _Diana_!
--Yes, yes, thou art my Rival, and I'll kill thee.
_Cel_. Do, whilst I meet thy Sword.
[_Opens her Arms_, Diana _stays him; he lets fall his Sword, and gazes_.
_Bel_, Dull--dull Adorer! Not to know my Saint.
Oh, how I have profan'd! To what strange Idol Was that I kneel'd, Mistaking it for a Divinity?
_Cel_. To your fair Wife _Diana_.
_Bel_. Oh cruel Maid!
Has Heav'n design'd me any but _Celinda_?
_Dia_. Maid! Bless me!--did I then love a Woman?
--I am pleas'd thou should'st renounce me; make it good, And set me free from Fetters which I hate.
_Bel_. If all our Laws can do't, I will--for here Ends all my Claim. [_To_ Celinda.
_Friend_. Was this the Wife you did demand of me?
_Bel_. Yes, I had no other.
_Dia_. Fair Maid! forgive me all my shameful Pa.s.sion, And charge my Fault upon your Beauty only.
_Cel_. Excellent Creature! I shou'd sue for that, Which my Deceit will never make me hope.
_Bel_. And art thou true to Love, and all thy Vows?
Whilst I to save my Fortune, (That only which you'd make me merit thee) Gave my unwilling Hand to this fair n.o.ble Maid.
--Ah, _Friendlove_, when thou hear'st my Story told, Thou wilt forgive, and pity me.
_Dia_. What was't you said, Sir? _Friendlove_!