Volume Iii Part 13 (1/2)
[_Exit_ Cel.
_Bel_. O, dost thou mock my Griefs? by Heaven, he did.
--Stay, Sir, he's gone.
_Enter_ Charles Bellmour.
_Char_. The Rogue took Courage, when he saw there was no Remedy; but there's no hurt done on either side.
_Lord_. 'Tis fit such as he shou'd be chastis'd, that do abuse Hospitality. Come, come, to Bed; the Lady, Sir, expects you.
_Bel_. Gentlemen, good Night.
SCENE II_. A Bed Chamber_.
_Enter_ Diana.
_Dia_. I long to know the Cause of _Bellmour's_ Disorder to Night, and here he comes.
_Enter_ Bellmour, Lord, Charles, _and the rest_.
_Char_. Shan't we see you laid, Brother?
_Bel_. Yes, in my Grave, dear _Charles_; But I'll excuse that Ceremony here.
_Char_. Good Night, and no Rest to you, Brother.
[_Ex. all but_ Bellmour _and_ Diana.
_Dia_. Till now, my _Bellmour_, I wanted Opportunity To ask the Cause, why on a joyful Day, When Heav'n has join'd us by a sacred Tie, Thou droop'st like early Flowers with Winter-storms.
_Bel_. Thou art that Winter-storm that nips my Bud; All my young springing Hopes, my gay Desires, The prospect of approaching Joys of Love, Thou in a hapless Minute hast took from me, And in its room, Hast given me an eternal Desperation.
_Dia_. Have you then given me Vows ye can repent of?
_Bel_. I given ye Vows! be witness, ye just Pow'rs, How far I was from giving any Vows: No, no, _Diana_, I had none to give.
_Dia_. No Vows to give!
What were they which unto the Holy Man Thou didst repeat, when I was made all thine?
_Bel_. The Effects of low Submission, such as Slaves Condemn'd to die, yield to the angry Judge.
_Dia_. Dost thou not love me then?
_Bel_. Love thee! No, by Heaven: yet wish I were so happy, For thou art wondrous fair and wondrous good.
_Dia_. Oh, what a Defeat is here!
The only Man, who from all Nature's store I found most charming, fit for my Desires; And now after a thousand Expectations, Such as all Maids that love like me do hope, Just ready for the highest Joys of Love!
Then to be met thus cold--nay, worse, with scorn. [_Aside_.
--Why, since you could not love me, did you marry me?
_Bel_. Because I was a Beast, a very Villain!