Volume Ii Part 106 (1/2)

_Enter_ Laura _with her Lute, drest in a careless rich Dress, followed by_ Sabina, _to whom she gives her Lute, and_ Silvio.

_Jul_. Hah! 'tis the same Woman.

[_She sees_ Julio _and starts_.

_Lau_. A Stranger here! What Art can help me now?

[_She pauses_.

_Gal_. By all my Joys, a lovely Woman 'tis.

_Lau_. Help me, Deceit, Dissembling, all that's Woman-- [_She starts and gazes on_ Gal. _pulling_ Silvio.

_Cor_. Sure I shou'd know that Face.--

_Lau_. Ah, look, my _Silvio_, is't not he?--it is!

That Smile, that Air, that Mien, that Bow is his: 'Tis he, by all my Hopes, by all my Wishes.

_Gal_. He! yes, yes, I am a He, I thank my Stars, And never blest 'em half so much for being so, As for the dear Variety of Woman.

_Cor_. Curse on her Charms, she'll make him love in earnest.

_Lau_. It is my Brother; and Report was false.

[_Going towards him_.

_Gal_. How, her Brother! Gad, I'm sorry we are so near akin, with all my Soul; for I'm d.a.m.nably pleas'd with her.

_Lau_. Ah, why do you shun my Arms? or are ye Air?

And not to be enclos'd in human Twines-- Perhaps you are the Ghost of that dead Lord, That comes to whisper Vengeance to my Soul.

_Gal_. S'heart, a Ghost! This is an odd preparative to Love.


_Cor_, 'Tis Laura, my Brother _Julio's_ Mistress, and Sister to _Octavio_.

_Gal_. Death, Madam! do not scare away my Love with Tales of Ghosts, and Fancies of the Dead. I'll give ye Proofs I'm living loving Man, as errant an amorous Mortal as Heart can wish--I hope she will not jilt me too.


_Cor_. So! he's at his common Proof for all Arguments; if she shou'd take him at his Word now, and she'll be sure to do't.

_Lau_. Amiable Stranger, pardon the Mistake, And charge it on a Pa.s.sion for a Brother: Devotion was not more retir'd than I, Vestals or widow'd Matrons when they weep; Till by a fatal Chance I saw in you, The dear Resemblance of a murder'd Brother. [_Weeps_.

_Jul_. What the Devil can she mean by this? [_Aside_.

_Lau_. I durst not trust my Eyes, yet still I gaz'd, And that encreas'd my Faith you were my Brother: But since they err'd, and he indeed is dead, Oh, give me leave to pay you all that Love, That Tenderness and Pa.s.sion that was his. [_Weeping_.

_Cor_. So, I knew she wou'd bring Matters about some way or other. Oh Mischief, Mischief, help me! S'life, I can be wicked enough when I have no use on't! and now have, I'm as harmless as a Fool.

[_As Gal. _is earnestly talking to_ Lau. Julio _pulls him by the Sleeve_.

_Lau_. Oh, save me, save me from the Murderer.