Volume Ii Part 103 (2/2)
[_They fight on_ Julio's _side, and fight_ Octavio _out at t'other side: Enter_ Laura _and_ Sabina _at the Fore-door, which is the same where Sir_ Signal _stands:_ Tick. _groping up that way, finds Sir_ Sig. _just entring in;_ Laura _and_ Sab. _pa.s.s over the Stage_.
Sir _Sig_. Hah, a door open! I care not who it belongs to, 'tis better dying within Doors like a Man, than in the Street like a Dog.
[_Going in_, Tick. _in great fear comes up and pulls him_.
_Tick_. Signior, gentle Signior, whoe'er you are that owns this Mansion, I beseech you to give Protection to a wretched Man half dead with Fear and Injury.
Sir _Sig_. Nay, I defy the Devil to be more dead with Fear than I-- Signior, you may enter, perhaps 'tis some body that will make an Excuse for us both,--but hark, they return.
[_Both go in, just after_ Lau. _and_ Sab. _and_ Silvio _enter_.
_Lau_. He's gone! he's gone! perhaps for ever gone.-- Tell me, thou silly Manager of Love, How got this Ruffian in? how was it possible Without thy Knowledge he cou'd get Admittance?
_Sab_. Now as I hope to live and learn, I know not, Madam, unless he follow'd you when you let in the Cavalier, which being by dark he easily conceal'd himself; no doubt some Lover of _Silvianetta's_, who mistaking you for her, took him too for a Rival.
_Lau_. 'Tis likely, and my Fortune is to blame, my cursed Fortune, Who like Misers deals her scanty Bounties with so slow a hand, That or we die before the Blessing falls, Or have it s.n.a.t.c.ht e'er we can call it ours.
To have him in my House, to have him kind, Kind as young Lovers when they meet by stealth; As fond as Age to Beauty, and as soft As Love and Wit cou'd make impatient Youth, Preventing even my Wishes and Desires, --Oh G.o.ds! and then, even then to be defeated, Then from my o'erjoy'd Arms to have him s.n.a.t.c.ht; Then when our Vows had made our Freedom lawful; What Maid cou'd suffer a Surprize so cruel?
--The Day begins to break,--go search the Streets, And bring me news he's safe, or I am lost.
_Enter_ Gal. Fil. _and_ Jul.
_Fil_. _Galliard_, where art thou?
_Gal_. Here safe, and by thy side.--
_Lau_. 'Tis he!
_Jul_. Whoe'er he were, the Rogue fought like a Fury, and but for your timely Aid I'd been in some Danger.
_Fil_. But, _Galliard_, thou wert telling me thy Adventure with _Silvianetta_; there may be comfort in't.
_Lau_. So, now I shall hear with what concern he speaks of me.-- [_Aside_.
_Gal_. Oh, d.a.m.n her, d.a.m.n her!
_Lau_. Hah!
_Gal_. The veriest Jilt that ever learnt the Art.
_Lau_. Heavens!
_Gal_. Death, the Wh.o.r.e took me for some amorous _English_ elder Brother, and was for Matrimony, in the Devil's name; thought me a loving Fool, that ne'er had seen so glorious a sight before, and wou'd at any rate enjoy.
_Lau_. Oh Heaven! I'm amaz'd, how much he differs from the thing he was but a few Minutes since. [_Aside_.
_Gal_. And to advance her Price, set up for Quality; nay, swore she was a Maid, and that she did but act the Curtezan.
_Lau_. Which then he seem'd to give a credit to.--O, the forsworn Dissembler!