Volume Ii Part 102 (1/2)

Sir _Sig_. He's gone!--so, ha, ha, ha. As I hope to breathe, Madam, you have nost neatly dispatcht him; poor fool--to compare his Wit and his Person to mine.--

_Cor_. Hah, the c.o.xcomb here still.--

Sir _Sig_. Well, this Countenance of mine never fail'd me yet.

Cor. Ah--

[_Looking about on him, sees his face black, squeaks and runs away_.

Sir _Sig_. Ah, whe, what the Deavilo's that for?

--Whe, 'tis I, 'tis I, most _Serenissima Signiora_!

[Gal. _returns and_ Philippa.

_Gal_. What noise is that, or is't some new design To fetch me back again?

Sir _Sig_. How! _Galliard_ return'd!

_Gal_. Hah! what art thou? a Mortal or a Devil?

Sir _Sig_. How, not know me? now might I pa.s.s upon him most daintily for a Devil, but that I have been beaten out of one Devils.h.i.+p already, and dare venture no more Conjurationing.

_Gal_. Dog, what art thou--not speak! Nay, then I'll inform my self, and try if you be flesh and blood.

[_Kicks him, he avoids_.

Sir _Sig_. No matter for all this--'tis better to be kickt than discovered, for then I shall be kill'd: and I can sacrifice a Limb or two to my Reputation at any time.

_Gal_. Death, 'tis the Fool, the Fool for whom I am abus'd and jilted?

'tis some revenge to disappoint her Cunning, and drive the Slave before me--Dog! were you her last reserve?

[_Kicks him, he keeps in his cry_.

Sir _Sig_. Still I say Mum.

_Gal_. The a.s.s will still appear through all disguises, Nor can the Devil's shape secure the Fool-- [_Kicks him, he runs out, as_ Cor. _enters and holds_ Gal.

_Cor_. Hold, Tyrant--

_Gal_. Oh Women, Women, fonder in your Appet.i.tes Than Beasts, and more unnatural! For they but couple with their Kind, but you Promiscuously shuffle your Brutes together, The Fop of business with the lazy Gown-men --the learned a.s.s with the illiterate Wit--the empty c.o.xcomb with the Politician, as dull and insignificant as he; from the gay Fool made more a Beast by Fortune to all the loath'd infirmities of Age. Farewel--I scorn to croud with the dull Herd, or graze upon the Common where they fatten.

[_Goes out_.

_Phil_. I know he loves, by this concern I know it, And will not let him part dissatisfied.

[_Goes out_.

_Cor_. By all that's good, I love him more each moment, and know he's destin'd to be mine.--

[_Enter_ Marcella.

--What hopes, _Marcella_? what is't we next shall do?