Volume Ii Part 80 (1/2)

_Wild_. Rather _Diana_, Sir; I wish you Joy: See here's _Charlot_. I was not such a Fool to trust such Blessings with the Wicked.

_Sir Charl_. How, Mrs. Dy Ladyfi'd! This is an excellent way of disposing an old cast-off Mistress.

Sir _Tim_. How, have I married a Strumpet then?

_Dia_. You give your Nephew's Mistress, Sir, too coa.r.s.e a Name. 'Tis true, I lov'd him, only him, and was true to him.

Sir _Tim_. Undone, undone! I shall ne'er make Guildhall-Speech more: but he shall hang for't, if there be e'er a Witness to be had between this and Salamanca for Money.

_Wild_. Do your worst, Sir; Witnesses are out of fas.h.i.+on now, Sir, thanks to your Ignoramus Juries.

Sir _Tim_. Then I'm resolv'd to disinherit him.

_Wild_. See, Sir, that's past your Skill too, thanks to my last Night's Ingenuity; they're [shews him the Writings.] sign'd, seal'd, and deliver'd in the presence of, &c.

Sir _Tim_. Bear Witness, 'twas he that rob'd me last night.

Sir _Anth_. We bear witness, Sir, we know of no such matter we. I thank you for that, Sir; wou'd you make Witnesses of Gentlemen?

Sir _Tim_. No matter for that, I'll have him hang'd, nay, drawn and quarter'd.

_Wild_. What, for obeying your Commands, and living on my Wits?

Sir _Anth_. Nay, then 'tis a clear Case, you can neither hang him or blame him.

_Wild_. I'll propose fairly now; if you'll be generous and pardon all, I'll render your Estate back during Life, and put the Writings in Sir Anthony Meriwill's and Sir _Charles_ his Hands--I have a Fortune here that will maintain me, Without so much as wis.h.i.+ng for your Death.

_All_. This is but Reason.

_Sir Charl_. With this Proviso, that he makes not use on't to promote any Mischief to the King and Government.

_All_. Good and Just. [_Sir_ Tim. _pauses_.

Sir _Tim_. Hum, I'd as good quietly agree to't, as lose my Credit by making a Noise.--Well, _Tom_, I pardon all, and will be Friends.

[Gives him his Hand.

_Sir Charl_. See, my dear Creature, even this hard old Man is mollify'd at last into good Nature; yet you'll still be cruel.

L. _Gal_. No, your unwearied Love at last has vanquisht me. Here, be as happy as a Wife can make ye--One last look more, and then--be gone, fond Love.

[_Sighing and looking on_ Wilding, _giving Sir_ Charles _her Hand_.

_Sir Charl_. Come, Sir, you must receive _Diana_ too; she is a cheerful witty Girl, and handsome, one that will be a Comfort to your Age, and bring no Scandal home. Live peaceably, and do not trouble your decrepid Age with Business of State.

Let all things in their own due Order move, Let Caesar be the Kingdom's Care and Love; Let the hot-headed Mutineers pet.i.tion, And meddle in the Rights of just Succession: But may all honest Hearts as one agree To bless the King, and Royal Albany.



Written by a Person of Quality: Spoken by Mrs. _Boteler_.