Volume Ii Part 47 (2/2)

--Sure I have seen that Face before-- Art not _Lysander_, Page to _Clemanthis_?

_Lys_. Madam, I am, and ever serv'd that Master.

_Cleo_. How couldst thou then come near his Enemy?

_Lys_. Madam, it was by his Command I came.

_Cleo_. How could _Clemanthis_ love his Murderer?

It is no wonder then that generous Spirit Came while I slept, and pleaded for the Prince.

_Lys_. What means the Princess?

_Enter_ Pimante.

_Pim_. Oh, Madam, I have news to tell you that will Make you forswear ever fighting again.

_Cleo_. What mean you?

_Pim_. As I was pa.s.sing through a Street of Tents, I saw a wounded Man stretcht on the ground; And going, as others did, to learn his Fate, I heard him say to those that strove to help him, Alas, my Friends, your Succours are in vain; For now I see the G.o.ds will be reveng'd For brave _Clemanthis'_ Murder.

How! cry'd I out, are you then one of those _Thersander_ sent to kill that Cavalier?

_Thersander_, cry'd he, had no hand in it; But _Artabazes_ set us on to kill him.

Here he began to faulter in his Speech; And sure he spoke the truth, for 'twas his last.

_Cleo_. This looks like Truth. _Thersander's_ every Action Declar'd too much of Virtue and of Honour, To be the Author of so black a Deed.

--Tell him, I'll visit him, and beg his pardon.

[_To_ Lys. _who bows and goes out_.

--Generous _Thersander_, if this News be true, My Eyes shall spare some drops for injuring you.


SCENE V. _Changes to_ Thersander's _Tent_.

_He in a Night-gown sitting on a Couch; by him the_ King, _Officers, Attendants to them. Enter_ Cleomena, Semiris, Pimante; Lysander; _the_ King _rises to meet_ Cleo. _and seats her in a Chair by him_.

_Cleo. Thersander_, I am come to beg thy pardon, If thou art innocent, as I must believe thee, And here before the King to make confession Of what I did refuse the Queen my Mother.

--Know then, I lov'd, and with a perfect Pa.s.sion, The most unfortunate of Men, _Clemanthis_.

His Birth I never knew, but do believe It was ill.u.s.trious, as were all his Actions; But I have lost him by a fatal accident, That very day he should have fought with you.


_Ther_. G.o.ds! where will this end? [_Aside_.

_Cleo_. But e'er the fatal moment of his Death, _Ismenes_ beg'd to know who did the Murder: But he could answer nothing but _Thersander_, And we believ'd it you.

Then Love and my Revenge made me a Soldier; --You know the rest-- And doubtless you've accus'd me with Ingrat.i.tude.

_Ther_. No, I shall ne'er complain of _Cleomena_, [_He kneels before her_.
