Volume Ii Part 46 (1/2)
_Amin_. No matter, thou canst not hate a Soldier, Since I am one; and you must be obedient, And learn to bear my Bow and Arrows now, It is the Duty of a _Scythian's_ Wife.
_Ura_. She that can claim _Amintas_ by such Ties, May find a Safety wheresoe'er she flies.
SCENE III. _A Prison_.
_Enter_ Orsames _joyful, and_ Geron.
_Ors_. Am I indeed a King?
And is there such a thing as fair _Olympia_?
Hadst thou not been the first had told me this, By Heaven, thou'dst dy'd for thus concealing it; Not all the Obligations of my Youth Should have preserv'd thee.
_Ger_. Till now I wanted Opportunity; For had you known your Quality before, You wou'd have grown impatient of the Crown, And by that Haste have overthrown your Interest.
_Ors_. And canst thou now provide against my Ignorance?
_Ger_. Sir, we have gain'd the Army on our side.
_Ors_. What's that?
_Ger_. Those Numbers that I told you should adore you.
_Ors_. When shall I see them, _Geron_?
_Ger_. E'er long, Sir: should your Deliverance Be wrought by any other Means than theirs, It were to s.n.a.t.c.h a Glory from their Hands, Which they design their only Recompence.
_Ors_. Oh, how I am transported with the Joy!
But, _Geron_, art thou sure we do not dream?
_Ger_. Then Life it self's a Dream-- Hark, I hear a noise-- [_Noise_.
_Within_] Kill the Dog--down with him!
_Ors_. Oh, how I'm ravisht with this unknown Noise!
_Within_.] Break down the Prison-Walls and Gates, and force your Pa.s.sage--
_Enter_ Vallentio, _followed by_ Gorel _and a Rabble of Citizens and Officers, tearing in the Keeper all b.l.o.o.d.y_.
_Val_. No killing to day, my Fellow-Soldiers, if you can help it; we will not stain our Triumphs in Blood-- [_They all stand and gaze_. Ors. _gazes on them_.
Ye G.o.ds, instruct me where to bow my Knee-- But this alone must be the Deity--
[_Kneels_, Ors. _lets him kneel, and gazes on him_.
_1 Cit_. Is that the King, Neighbour, in such mean Clothes?
_Gorel_. Yes, Goodman Fool, why should the Colonel kneel else?
_2 Cit_. Oh, pray, Neighbour, let me see a little, I never saw a King in all the days of my Life. Lord, Lord! Is that he the Colonel kneels to?