Volume Ii Part 38 (1/2)
I'll not my Weakness nor Resentment show; A Heart like mine, should sooner break than bow.
--Come, my _Semiris_, we too long have stay'd; That Call, till now, was never disobey'd.
[_Trumpets sound. Ex_.
SCENE III. _Scythian Tents_.
_Enter_ Amintas, _drest fine, with_ Urania.
_Ura_. Within this Shade till the black Day be past, I will attend thy Fortune, or thy Fate.
_Amin_. The King has taken Horse, the Fight's begun, And I must leave thee to the G.o.ds and Prayer.
_Ura_. Why was I made a Woman? or being so, Why had I not a masculine Courage given me?
That side by side I might have shar'd thy Glory, Or have expir'd together?
_Amin_. Thou wilt undo me with this Tenderness.
Come send me kindly from thee, With Joys about my Heart that may preserve it; Here rest till my Return; farewel, my Fair.
_Ura_. And if I never see thee more, farewel-- [Amin. _exit_.
Here I will lay me down, and never rise, Till thou return'st with Laurel, or with Cypress.
[_Sits down_.
Now I cou'd curse the Fortune of my Prince, Who quits a Father for an Enemy, To satisfy a Flame will ruin him.
[_A noise of Fighting_.
--The Fight increases; Oh ye G.o.ds of Battel, In midst of all your Rage preserve my Love.
_Enter_ Artabazes _over the Stage, and goes out_.
_Art_. My Nephew kill'd! and I dismounted too! oh curst Fate!
_Ura_. This Noise has comfort in't, it sounds like Victory.
[_A hollowing within amongst the noise of Fighting.
Enter_ Amintas.
--Oh G.o.ds! _Amintas_! what has Fortune done?
_Amin_. The undaunted _Scythians_ never lost the Field; Yet now at first 'twas doubtful To which side Fortune would incline her self _Ismenes_ kill'd where'er he turn'd his Sword, And quite defeated our _Agrippian_ Forces; Yet was not satisfy'd, knowing the King To be the Price of _Cleomena's_ Heart, But sought him out on all sides, Whom 'twas not hard to find; For he was hurrying now from Rank to Rank, Distributing a Death to all Opposers.
But young _Ismenes_ having pierc'd the Squadrons, And knowing our great King by several Marks, Boldly cry'd out,--Defend the Life I claim.
The King made no Reply, but at that Word Prepar'd himself to fight.
_Ura_. Thou kill'st me, till thou bring'st him off again.
_Amin_. Disorder'd thus--the _Dacian_ took Advantage, And charg'd with so much Vigour--we gave Ground; When on that side the single Combat was, There appear'd a Body of two thousand Horse, Led by a Man, whose Looks brought Victory, And made the conquering Foe retire again: But when he did perceive the King engag'd, With unresisted Fury he made up, And rus.h.i.+ng in between them, Gave the young Prince a blow upon his Head, That struck him from his Horse.
After this Victory _Thersander's_ Name Did fly from Mouth to Mouth, Inspiring every _Scythian_ with new Valour: He kill'd _Philemon_, and forc'd _Artabazes_ To seek his Safety by his Horse's Flight; --But here's the King--retire into this Wood.
[Ura. _Ex_.