Volume Ii Part 34 (1/2)
_Cleo_. I must confess, _Clemanthis_, with a Blush, That nothing of the rest displeases me.
_Ther_. Ah, Madam, how you bless me!
And now with Confidence I dare a.s.sure you, That which should render me more worthy of you, Shall be in me found more to your Advantage, Than in those Princes who have taken on 'em The Glory of your Service.
_Cleo_. As I am very reasonable, and do act With more Sincerity than Artifice, I'll now desire no more.
But have a care you use my Bounty well; For I am now grown kind enough to think That all you say is true.
_Ther_. Madam, banish me your Presence, as the Man Of all the World unworthy to adore you, If I present not to you in _Clemanthis_ A Man enough considerable to hope.
_Cleo_. But oh! Clemanthis, I forgot my Fate, My Destiny depends upon my People; Urg'd by the Queen, they've made a Resolution To give me to that Prince who does most powerfully Advance the Ruin of the King of _Scythia_.
_Ther_. Madam, I am not ignorant of the Conditions That are impos'd on those who pretend to you; I will not only serve you in this War With more Success than any, But set the Crown of _Scythia_ on your Head.
_Cleo_. That's bravely said.
_Ther_. Perhaps it seems extravagantly spoken, In the Condition you behold me now; But here I vow--I never will demand [_Kneels_.
The Divine _Cleomena_ till I have crown'd her-- Yes, Madam, till I have crown'd her Queen of _Scythia_.
--Till then--give me but hope--enough, to live-- [Rises.
_Cleo_. That's to your Pa.s.sion due; and when I know Who 'tis I favour--I will more allow.
_Sem_. Madam, the Queen is here.
_Enter_ Queen, Honorius, Artabazes, Ismenes, _Guards, Attendants, &c_.
_Queen_. I am glad to see you all in Readiness; To morrow I intend to be i'th' Camp, --And _Cleomena_ is your General; Since 'tis her Cause we fight, it is but just She share the Danger of it with the Glory.
_Arta_. We all approve it, Madam, and are proud Fair _Cleomena_ shall a Witness be Of what we do to serve her, And see the easy Conquest we shall make Upon the Persons of her Enemies.
_Hon_. I know not, Sir, what you may do, But we have found it not so easy.
_Arta_. Oh, there's no doubt, but we'll depopulate _Scythia_, And lead its King, with the vain Prince his Son, Loaden with Irons, to adorn your Triumphs.
_Ther_. Madam, I must confess your Force is great, And the a.s.sistance of these Men considerable; Yet I advise your Majesty to prepare For the Defeat of the great King of _Scythia_, As to a Business much more difficult Than they present it to you: for I know The Forces of that Nation are not less.
[_Looks with scorn on them_.
--Consider too, that King was never conquer'd, Though these believe to do't with so much ease.
I oft have seen _Thersander_, that young Prince, Upon whose Sword Fortune her self depends, --And I can tell--he's not so easily chain'd, As, _Artabazes_, you imagine him.
_Arta_. What, do you think to fright us with the Praises You give our Enemies?
--I have heard of that King, and of _Thersander_ too; But never heard of so much Terror in 'em, Should make us apprehend an ill Success; --And you, _Clemanthis_, do not know us well, To think we'll tremble for the Prince of _Scythia_, Though many such as you should take his part.
_Ther_. How, many such as I!
[_Gomes up to his Breast_.
G.o.ds! with your selves no other Enemies To join with that young Prince; To conquer him and many such as I, Requires a Number of such Kings as you.
_Ism_. It is too much, _Clemanthis_; were you well Affected to the Service of the Queen, You would not thus commend her Enemies.
_Ther_. Madam, I humbly beg your Pardon, I have fail'd in the Respect I owe you, By what I've said in favour of your Enemies, Whom, whilst you think so easily o'ercome, You will neglect that Power should make you Victor.