Volume Ii Part 27 (1/2)

_King of Scythia_.

_Thersander_, his Son, under the Name of _Clemanthis_, when on the _Dacian_ side.

_Amintas_, a young n.o.bleman, belov'd by _Thersander_, and Lover of _Urania_.

_Lysander_, Page to _Thersander_.

_Urania_, in love with _Amintas_.

_Lyces_, a Shepherdess.

Pages and Attendants, Courtiers (men and women), Officers, Guards, Soldiers, Huntsmen, Shepherds, Shepherdesses, a.s.sa.s.sins, and all a Rabble of the Mobile.

SCENE, the Court of _Dacia_, between the two Armies just before the Town.


SCENE I. _A Grove near the Camp_.

_Enter_ Pimante _with Letters_.

Gone! Well, I have never the Luck, I thank my Stars, to meet with any of these mighty Men of Valour.--_Vallentio_! n.o.ble Colonel.

_Enter_ Vallentio.

_Val. Pimante_! Why, what the Devil brought thee to the Camp?

_Pim_. Affairs, Affairs--

_Val_. They must be wondrous pressing that made thee venture; but the Fighting's past, and all the Noise over; every Man of Fame gone to receive what's due to his Merit; and the whole Camp looks now like a City in a great Plague, no stirring--But what's thy Business here?

_Pim_. Why, I brought Letters from the Queen to that same mighty Man of Prowess--what d'ye call him?

_Val_. The brave Clemanthis?

_Pim_. The same--But, Colonel, is he indeed so very terrible a thing as Fame gives out?--But she was ever a notable Wag at History.

_Val_. How dare thy Coward-thoughts venture upon any thing so terrible as the remembrance of that Gallant Man? Is not his Name like Thunder to thy Ears? Does it not make thee shrink into thy self?

_Pim_. Lord, Colonel, why so hot? 'Tis the cursed'st thing in the World to be thus continually us'd to fighting; why, how uncivil it renders a Man! I spake by way of Question.

_Val_. Oh! how soft and wanton I could grow in the Description I could make of him--He merits all in Peace as well as War; Compos'd of Charms would take all Womankind, As those of's Valour overcome the Men.

_Pim_. Well said, i'faith, Colonel; but if he be so fine a Man, why did you not keep him here amongst you to do Execution on the _Scythians_?

for I think e'er long you'll give 'em Battel.

_Val_. The General, whose n.o.ble Life he sav'd, Us'd all his Interest with him, but in vain: He neither could oblige his stay i'th' Camp, Nor get him to the Court. Oh! were his Quality But like his Actions great, he were a Man To merit _Cleomena_, Whose Worth and Beauty, as a thing Divine, I reverence.

But I abhor the feeble Reign of Women; It foretels the Downfal of the n.o.blest Trade, War.

Give me a Man to lead me on to Dangers, Such as _Clemanthis_ is, or as _Orsames_ might have been.

_Pim_. Colonel, 'tis Treason but to name _Orsames_, and much more to wish he were as King.