Volume I Part 130 (1/2)
_Des._ No Remedy?
_War._ Nene, Sirs, again the King's Evil; Bread, Sirs, ya's ene gan tol yar Stall agen: I's en follow _Duckenfield_-- Farewel, Mr. Leyer.
_L. Lam._ See the Vicissitudes of human Glory.
These Rascals, that but yesterday pet.i.tion'd me With humble Adoration, now scarce pay Common Civilities due to my s.e.x alone.
Enter _Fleetwood_.
_Crom._ How now, Fool, what is't that makes ye look so pertly? Some mighty Business you have done, I'll warrant.
_Fleet._ Verily, Lady Mother, you are the strangest Body; a Man cannot please you-- Have I not finely circ.u.mvented _Lambert_? made the Rump Head, who have committed him to the _Tower_; ne'er stir now that I have, and I'm the greatest Man in _England_, as I live I am, as a Man may say.
_Crom._ Yes, till a greater come. Ah, Fool of Fools, not to fore-see the danger of that nasty Rump.
_L. Fleet._ Good Madam, treat my Lord with more Respect.
_Crom._ Away, fond Fool, born with so little Sense, To doat on such a wretched Idiot; It was thy Fate in _Ireton's_ days to love him, Or you were foully scandalized.
_Fleet._ You are not so well spoken of neither, ne'er stir now, and you go to that. I can be King to morrow if I will.
_Crom._ Thou lyest, thou wo't be hang'd first; mark that I tell thee so.
I'll prove _Ca.s.sandra_ to thee, and prophesy thy Doom; Heav'n pays the Traitor back with equal Measure. Remember how you serv'd my poor Son Richard.
[Ex. _Crom._ and _Page_.
_Fleet._ She's mad-- Come, my Dear, let's leave the House of this Villain, that meant to have cozen'd me illegally or three Kingdoms-- but that I outwitted him at last.
[Ex. _Fleet._ L. _Fleet_, and _Page_.
Enter _Page_.
_L. Lam._ Imprison'd too, i'th' Tower! what Fate is mine?
[Leans on _Des._
_Page._ Madam, the fine Heroick's come to wait on you.
_L. Lam._ Hah! _Loveless_! let him not see the Ruin of my Greatness, which he foretold, and kindly begg'd I wou'd usurp no more.
Enter _Loveless_.
_Lov._ This News has brought me back, I love this Woman, Vain as she is, in spite of all her Fopperies of State-- [Bows to her, and looks sad.
_L. Lam._ Alas, I do not merit thy Respect, I'm fall'n to Scorn, to Pity and Contempt. [Weeping.
Ah, Loveless, fly the wretched-- Thy Virtue is too n.o.ble to be s.h.i.+n'd on By any thing but rising Suns alone: I'm a declining Shade--
_Lov._ By Heaven, you were never great till now; I never thought thee so much worth my Love, My Knee, and Adoration, till this Minute. [Kneels.
--I come to offer you my Life, and all The little Fortune the rude Herd has left me.