Volume I Part 122 (1/2)
_Des._ Ah, and with the King, the Bishops; and then, where's all our Church and Bishops Lands! oh, undone-- puff, puff.
_Ana._ How, bring in the King and Bishops! my righteous Spirit is raised too-- I say, I will excommunicate him for one of the Wicked, yea, for a profane Heroick, a Malignant, a Tory,-- a-- I say, we will surround him, and confound him with a mighty Host; yea, and fight the Lard's Battel with him: yea, we will--
_Des._ Truckle to his Pow'r-- puff, puff.
_Ana._ Nay, I say verily, nay; for, in Sadness, I will die in my Calling.
_Des._ So I doubt shall I-- which is Ploughing, Hedging, and Ditching.
_Ana._ Yea, we have the Sword of the Righteous in our Hand, and we will defend the mighty Revenues of the Church, which the Lard hath given unto his People, and chosen ones-- I say, we will defend--
_Des._ Ah, Patience, Sir, ah, 'tis a pious Virtue--
_Ana._ Ah, it is Zeal in one of us, the Out-goings of the Spirit.
Enter _Tom_.
_Tom._ Sir, will you go down to Prayers? the Chaplain waits.
_Des._ No, no, Boy, I am too serious for that Exercise, I cannot now dissemble, Heav'n forgive me.
_Ana._ How, Sir, not dissemble-- ah, then you have lost a great Virtue indeed, a very great Virtue; ah, let us not give away the Good Old Cause-- but, as we have hitherto maintain'd it by gadly Cozenage, and pious Frauds, let us persevere-- ah, let us persevere to the end; let us not lose our Heritage for a Mess of Pottage, that is, let us not lose the Cause for Dissimulation and Hypocrisy, those two main Engines that have earned on the great Work.
_Des._ Verily, you have prevail'd, and I will go take counsel of my Pillow: Boy-- call my Man to undress me-- I'll to Bed, for I am sick at Heart.
[Ex. _Tom._
_Free._ Death, what shall I do now?
[Des._ walks, she whispers _Ana.
_L. Des._ You must get my Man off, or we're undone.
_Ana._ Madam, be comforted, Heaven will bring all things about for our Advantage-- [As _Des._ turns.
_L. Des._ But he's behind the Curtains, Man--
[Des. turns from 'em.
_Ana._ Ah, let Providence alone-- [Spreads his Cloak wide, and goes by degrees toward the Bed.] --Your pious Lady, Sir, is doubtful, but I will give her ample Satisfaction.
_Des._ Ah, do, Mr. _Ananias_, do, for she's a good and virtuous Lady, _certo_ she is.
[Ana. goes close to the Bed-post, and speaks over his Shoulder.
_Ana._ Get ye behind my Cloak--
_L. Des._ Indeed, Sir, your Counsel and a.s.sistance is very comfortable.
_Ana._ We should be Help-meets to one another, Madam.
_Des._ Alack, good Man!